Colexifications for "STABLE" and "PRISON"

Language Family Form for STABLE Gloss for STABLE Form for PRISON Gloss for PRISON
Khamuang (Chiang Mai variety) Tai-Kadai khɔ:k.4 stable, stall khɔ:k.4 prison, jail
Shan (Northern Shan dialect) Tai-Kadai khɔ:k.4 stable, stall khɔ:k.4 prison, jail
Keme (Kemie variety) Austroasiatic khɔk.13 stable, stall khɔk.13 prison, jail
Wa Austroasiatic kɔk.B stable, stall kɔk.B prison, jail
White Hmong Hmong-Mien nkuaj the stable or stall nkuaj the prison