Colexifications for "SEIZE" and "HUNT"

Language Family Form for SEIZE Gloss for SEIZE Form for HUNT Gloss for HUNT
Aymara Aymaran katu-ɲa seize, grasp katu-ɲa hunt
Kaingáng Nuclear-Macro-Je se seize, grasp se hunt
rGyalrong (Jinchuan Guaninqiao Wobzi) Sino-Tibetan dʑé seize (vt) dʑé chase (vt)
Erzya Uralic kundams seize kundams hunt
Kimbunga Atlantic-Congo ku seize ku chase (away)
Imbabura Quechua Quechuan japina (1) to grasp japina (1) to hunt
Mapudungun Araucanian nün to grasp nün to hunt
Otomi Otomanguean ju to grasp ju to hunt