Colexifications for "TIME" and "HOUR"

Language Family Form for TIME Gloss for TIME Form for HOUR Gloss for HOUR
Komi Uralic kad time kad hour
Modern Greek Indo-European 'ora time 'ora hour
French Indo-European heure time heure hour
Gothic Indo-European hweila time hweila hour
Old Norse Indo-European stund time stund hour
Old Norse Indo-European tīð time tīð hour
Old English Indo-European hwīl time hwīl hour
Old English Indo-European tīd time tīd hour
Middle English Indo-European tid-e time tid-e hour
Old High German Indo-European hwīla time hwīla hour
Old High German Indo-European stunta time stunta hour
Middle High German Indo-European zīt time zīt hour
Old Church Slavonic Indo-European časŭ time časŭ hour
Ancient Aramaic Afro-Asiatic šaʁtā time šaʁtā hour
Chatino (Zacatepec variety) Otomanguean wra time wra hour
Northern Haida Haida kˀaskat time kˀaskat hour
Tlingit Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit gaaw time gaaw hour
Hawaiian Austronesian hola time hola hour
Rapa Nui Austronesian hora time hora hour
Ninam (Shirishana variety) Yanomamic thəm time thəm hour
Ayoreo Zamucoan de'ren̥aai time de'ren̥aai hour
Wichí Matacoan le-hʷoy time le-'hʷoy hour
Ossetic Indo-European сахат time сахат hour
Avar (Khunzakh dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian мех time мех hour
Avar (Khunzakh dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian заман time заман hour
Avar (East Gergebil dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian забан time забан hour
Avar (Salatav dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian заман time заман hour
Lak (Shali dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian ссят time ссят hour
Azerbaijani Turkic вахт time вахт hour
Xu Austroasiatic we.31 la.31 time we.31 la.31 hour
Pusing Austroasiatic ʔuei la time ʔuei la hour
Hup Nadahup ʔóra the time ʔóra the hour
Japanese Japonic jikan the time jikan the hour
Kali'na Cariban yulu the time yulu the hour
Kanuri Saharan the time the hour
Manange Sino-Tibetan 1tʃʰotʃe the time 1tʃʰotʃe the hour
Zinacantán Tzotzil Mayan 7ora the time 7ora the hour