Language | Family | Form for STALLION | Gloss for STALLION | Form for MARE | Gloss for MARE |
Ancient Greek | Indo-European | 'hippos | stallion | 'hippos | mare |
Sanskrit | Indo-European | ašva- | stallion | ašvā- | mare |
Yuwana | Jodi-Saliban | ʰkabayo | stallion | ʰkabayo | mare |
Hup | Nadahup | kawádu | the stallion | kawádu | the mare |
Mandarin Chinese | Sino-Tibetan | mu3ma3 | the stallion | mu3ma3 | the mare |
Saramaccan | Indo-European | hási | the stallion | hási | the mare |
Takia | Austronesian | wos | the stallion | wos | the mare |
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