CLICS Form | Concept | Form in source | Gloss in source |
a | DO OR MAKE | a- | do, make |
abaxani | NAME | aʔɓaxa-ni | name |
acakwa | WHERE | ačakʷa | where? |
acaxa | HOW | ačaxa | how? |
ace | WHICH | ače | which? |
aceho | WHERE | ačeho | where? |
acesono | WHEN | ačešono | when? |
acewi | SWAMP | ačewi | swamp |
acewiso | HOW MANY PIECES | ačewiso | how many? |
aci | SNEEZE | ači- | sneeze |
ae | WHO | ae | who? |
ae | WHAT | ae | what? |
ae | NOTHING OR ZERO | ae | zero, nothing |
ahi | SCORPION | ahi | scorpion |
ahoka | MISTAKE | aho-ka- | mistake, error |
aka | SAY | a-ka- | say |
aki | AXE | aki | ax |
akiana | THING | akiana | thing |
akwi | BOARD | akʷi | board |
akwi | TREE | akʷi | tree (cf 08.600) |
akwi | TREE | akʷi | tree |
akwisa | NEEDLE (FOR SEWING) | akʷiša | needle |
akwiwoxa | TREE TRUNK | akʷi-woxa | tree trunk |
ama | NO | -ama | no, negative |
anioke | SIT | ani-oke- | sit |
anisowa | RISE (MOVE UPWARDS) | ani-sowa- | rise |
anisowanahe | RIDE | anisowa-nahe | ride |
ano | GRANDMOTHER | ano | grandmother |
ano | MOTHER-IN-LAW (OF MAN) | ano | mother-in-law (of a man) |
anoso | RICE | anoso | rice |
ao | LONG | -ʔao | long |
ao | TALL | -ʔao | tall |
apioxi | WHY | apioxi | why? |
apo | DARKNESS | -apo | darkness |
apoa | READY | apo'a | ready |
axa | BEVERAGE | axa | beverage, drink |
axa | FEAR (FRIGHT) | -ʔaxa | fear, fright |
aya | WHO | aʔya | who? |
ba | LOOK | ɓa- | look, look at |
ba | FIND | ɓa- | find |
baa | KNIFE | baa | knife |
baa | SWORD | ɓaa | sword |
baakoxi | NAIL (TOOL) | ɓaʔako-xi | nail |
baasewiwi | FISHHOOK | baašewiwi | fishhook |
baaso | BUTTON | ɓaa'so | button |
baba | GRANDFATHER | ɓaɓa | grandfather |
baba | FATHER-IN-LAW (OF MAN) | ɓaɓa | father-in-law (of a man) |
babaai | VULTURE | ɓaɓaʔai | vulture |
bae | BE ALIVE OR LIFE | baʔe- | live, living, life |
bae | HANG UP | ɓaʔe- | hang up |
baecica | REMAIN | baʔečiča- | remain, stay |
baesowaki | FLY (MOVE THROUGH AIR) | ɓaʔe-sowa--ki- | fly (vb) |
baesowanahe | JUMP | ɓa'esowa-nahe | jump, leap |
baeya | DWELL (LIVE, RESIDE) | baʔe-ʔya | dwell, live |
bai | MOON | ɓaʔi | moon |
bai | MONTH | ɓaʔi | month |
bai | LAKE | ɓai | lake |
bakwa | SNAKE | -ɓakʷa- | snake |
bame | GOOD | -ɓame | good |
bame | BEAUTIFUL | -ɓame | beautiful |
bamee | SHOW | ɓa-mee- | show |
bana | PLANT (SOMETHING) | ɓana- | plant (vb) |
banahe | SEE | ɓa-nahe | see |
banahe | KNOW (SOMETHING) | ɓa-nahe | know |
banahe | MEET | ɓa-nahe | meet |
basa | SPIDER | ɓaša | spider |
bawico | MUROID (MOUSE OR RAT) | ɓawičo | mouse, rat |
bee | FLY (INSECT) | bee | fly |
behe | THIN (OF SHAPE OF OBJECT) | -ɓehe | thin (in dimension) |
beka | TWO | ɓeka | two |
beni | WIND | ɓeni | wind |
beo | VULTURE | ɓeʔo | vulture |
bexepi | BASKET | ɓexepi | basket |
bexepi | MAT | ɓexepi | mat |
bexo | SHELL | ɓexo | shell |
beyo | SPIN | ɓeyo- | spin |
bia | LOUSE | ɓi'aʔ | louse |
biakwa | UP | ɓiakʷa | up, above |
bico | SHAME | -ɓičo | shame (noun) |
bikia | HEAVY | -ɓikia | heavy |
bikia | SWEET | -ɓikia | sweet |
bina | BAT | ɓiɲa | bat |
biobio | OWL | ɓio-ɓio | owl |
bise | CANOE | ɓi'še | canoe |
bisiikwi | ROOT | ɓisiʔikʷi | root |
biso | SMALL | -ɓiso | small, little |
biso | NARROW | -ɓiso | narrow |
biso | THIN (OF SHAPE OF OBJECT) | -ɓiso | thin (in dimension) |
bisonee | PART | ɓisonee | part, piece |
biweabiweakinahe | PRAISE | ɓiwea-ɓiwea-ki-nahe | praise |
biweabiweakinahe | WORSHIP | ɓiwea-ɓiwea-ki-nahe | worship |
biwi | HAPPY | ɓiwi- | joyful, glad, happy |
biya | WASP | ɓiya | wasp |
bo | CLOUD | ɓo | cloud |
boba | FEATHER | ɓoʔɓa | feather |
boe | NEPHEW | ɓoe | nephew |
boe | COLD | -ɓoe | cold |
boe | NIECE | ɓoe | niece |
bohea | BURY | ɓohea- | bury (the dead) |
boho | BOIL (OF SKIN) | ɓoʔho | boil (noun) |
Intercontinental Dictionary Series
Key, Mary Ritchie & Comrie, Bernard (eds.) 2015. The Intercontinental Dictionary Series. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.