Colexifications for "MOTHER" and "AUNT"

Language Family Form for MOTHER Gloss for MOTHER Form for AUNT Gloss for AUNT
Hawaiian Austronesian makuahine mother makuahine aunt
Maori Austronesian whaaea mother whaaea aunt
Rotuman Austronesian oʔhoni mother oʔhoni aunt
Tongan Austronesian faʔē mother faʔē aunt
Yuwana Jodi-Saliban abã mother abã aunt
Ese Ejja (Huarayo) Pano-Tacanan nai mother nai aunt
Catuquina Pano-Tacanan ɨwa mother ɨwa aunt
Sirionó Tupian tãĩ mother taĩ aunt
Sema Sino-Tibetan aza mother aza aunt
rGyalrong (Ganzi Danba Badi Munashan) Sino-Tibetan ˊʔɐ nə mother ˊʔɐ nə aunt
Nyiramba Atlantic-Congo maaU mother maaU aunt (=father's sister)
Malagasy Austronesian rèny the mother rèny the aunt
Swahili Atlantic-Congo mama the mother mama the aunt