Colexifications for "BROTHER" and "COUSIN"

Language Family Form for BROTHER Gloss for BROTHER Form for COUSIN Gloss for COUSIN
Erzya Mordvin Uralic lʸelʸa brother lʸelʸa cousin
Mari Uralic i'za brother i'za cousin
Mari Uralic šolʸo brother 'šolʸo cousin
Panare Cariban -pin brother -pin cousin
Panare Cariban -yako brother -yako cousin
Macushi Cariban uwi brother uwi cousin
Wai Wai Cariban oy-akno brother oy-akno cousin
Hausa Afro-Asiatic ɗan'uwa brother ɗan'uwa cousin
Polci Afro-Asiatic yees brother yees cousin
Chatino (Zacatepec variety) Otomanguean taʔa brother taʔa cousin
Maori Austronesian teina brother teina cousin
Maori Austronesian tuakana brother tuakana cousin
Maori Austronesian tuŋaane brother tuŋaane cousin
Páez Páez yakh-thẽʔh brother yakh-thẽʔh cousin
Yaruro Pumé o-mẽ brother o-mẽ cousin
Goajiro Arawakan ta-waľa brother ta-waľa cousin
Ayoreo Zamucoan hõ'ra-i brother hõ'ra-i cousin
Mocoví Guaicuruan l-ḳaya brother l-ḳaya cousin
Pilagá Guaicuruan l-a'ḳaya brother l-a'ḳaya cousin
Selknam Chonan ḳayin brother ḳayin cousin
Toba Guaicuruan l-ḳaya brother l-ḳaya cousin
Thai (Korat variety) Tai-Kadai phi:.4 nɔ:ŋ.4 brother phi:.4 nɔ:ŋ.4 cousin
Kryz Nakh-Daghestanian шид brother шид cousin
Budukh Nakh-Daghestanian къардаш brother къардаш cousin
Pusing Austroasiatic ʔuei ʔait brother ʔuei ʔait cousin
KNB (a Pearic variety) Austroasiatic bâ:ŋ pʔo:n brother bâ:ŋ pʔo:n cousin
Hausa Afro-Asiatic ɗán úwáa the brother ɗán úwáa the cousin
Hup Nadahup báb’ the brother báb’ the cousin
Iraqw Afro-Asiatic hhiya' the brother hhiya' the cousin
Malagasy Austronesian rahalàhy the brother rahalàhy the cousin
Mapudungun Araucanian peñi the brother peñi the cousin
Swahili Atlantic-Congo ndugu the brother ndugu the cousin
White Hmong Hmong-Mien kwv tij the brother kwv tij the cousin