Language | Family | Form for SISTER | Gloss for SISTER | Form for YOUNGER BROTHER | Gloss for YOUNGER BROTHER |
Chatino (Zacatepec variety) | Otomanguean | taʔa | sister | ta?a | younger brother |
Maori | Austronesian | teina | sister | teina | younger brother |
Trinitario | Arawakan | -ati | sister | ati | younger brother |
Tehuelche | Chonan | 'gō | sister | 'gō | younger brother |
Kalamang | West Bomberai | dun+ | sister | dun+ | younger brother |
Kalamang | West Bomberai | kia+ | sister | kia+ | younger brother |
Kedang, Leubatang | Austronesian | ariʔ | sister | ariʔ | younger brother |
Ile Mandiri Lamaholot, Lewoingu | Austronesian | ariʔ | sister | ariʔ | younger brother |
Rembong | Austronesian | ad͡ze | sister | ad͡zeʔ | younger brother |
Hawaiian | Austronesian | kaikaina | the sister | kaikaina | the younger brother |
Malagasy | Austronesian | zàndry | the sister | zàndry | the younger brother |
Swahili | Atlantic-Congo | mdogo | the sister | mdogo | the younger brother |
Swahili | Atlantic-Congo | ndugu | the sister | ndugu | the younger brother |
Takia | Austronesian | tei- | the sister | tei- | the younger brother |
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