Colexifications for "FAULT" and "BLAME"

Language Family Form for FAULT Gloss for FAULT Form for BLAME Gloss for BLAME
Italian Indo-European colpa fault colpa blame
Spanish Indo-European culpa fault culpa blame
Catalan Indo-European culpa fault culpa blame
Portuguese Indo-European culpa fault culpa blame
Welsh Indo-European bai fault bai blame
Gothic Indo-European fairina fault fairina blame
Old High German Indo-European redina fault redina blame
Old High German Indo-European sculd fault sculd blame
Old High German Indo-European sunta fault sunta blame
Yiddish Indo-European šuld fault šuld blame
Latvian Indo-European vaina fault vaina blame
Bulgarian Indo-European viná fault viná blame
Serbo-Croatian Indo-European krivica fault krivica blame
Polish Indo-European wina fault wina blame
Albanian (Tosk variety) Indo-European fay fault fay blame
Tocharian A Indo-European nākäm fault nākäm blame
Tocharian B Indo-European nāki fault nāki blame
Maori Austronesian hee fault hee blame
Páez Páez yuuwe fault yuuwe blame
Cofán Cofán šaka fault šaka blame
Aymara Aymaran xuča fault xuča blame
Cavineña Pano-Tacanan hoča-ki fault hoča-ki blame
Tacana Pano-Tacanan hoča fault hoča blame
Chácobo Pano-Tacanan kɨso- fault kɨso- blame
Guaraní Tupian ǰe-ǰavɨ fault ǰeǰavɨ blame
Sanapaná (Enlhet dialect) Lengua-Mascoy nenseɬnanaŋkama fault nenseɬnanaŋkama blame
Aghul Nakh-Daghestanian тахсир fault тахсир blame
Marathi Indo-European d̪oʂ fault d̪oʂ blame
Punjabi Indo-European dōśa fault dōśa blame
Telugu Dravidian agaDu fault agaDu blame
Archi Nakh-Daghestanian ʕejb the fault ʕejb the blame
Dutch Indo-European schuld the fault schuld the blame
Hausa Afro-Asiatic lâifíi the fault lâifíi the blame
Indonesian Austronesian kesalahan the fault kesalahan the blame
Japanese Japonic sekinin the fault sekinin the blame
Ket Yeniseian saan the fault saan the blame
Otomi Otomanguean ts'oku̲te the fault ts'oku̲te the blame
Q'eqchi' Mayan maak (1) the fault maak (1) the blame
Selice Romani Indo-European hiba the fault hiba the blame
Wichí Matacoan tamenej the fault tamenej the blame
Yaqui Uto-Aztecan kulpa the fault kulpa the blame