Colexifications for "UNTIE" and "LET GO OR SET FREE"

Language Family Form for UNTIE Gloss for UNTIE Form for LET GO OR SET FREE Gloss for LET GO OR SET FREE
Ancient Greek Indo-European apo'lūō untie apo'lūō release, let go
Ancient Greek Indo-European 'lūō untie 'lūō release, let go
Latin Indo-European solvere untie solvere release, let go
Irish Indo-European scaoil untie scaoil release, let go
Old High German Indo-European in-klenken untie in-klenken release, let go
Old High German Indo-European int-bintan untie intbintan release, let go
Old High German Indo-European ir-lōsen untie irlōsen release, let go
Old High German Indo-European klūbōn untie klūbōn release, let go
Old High German Indo-European zi-lōsen untie zi-lōsen release, let go
Hittite Indo-European la- untie la- release, let go
Hittite Indo-European lai- untie lai- release, let go
Tocharian A Indo-European tärk- untie tärk- release, let go
Tocharian B Indo-European tärk- untie tärk- release, let go
Chatino (Zacatepec variety) Otomanguean štiʔ untie štiʔ release, let go
Siona Tucanoan hoʔčihi untie hoʔčihi release, let go
Siona Tucanoan tiʔhehi untie tiʔhehi release, let go
Siona Tucanoan tihohi untie tihohi release, let go
Catuquina Pano-Tacanan pɨka- untie pɨka- release, let go
Guaraní Tupian poi untie poi release, let go
Kaingáng Nuclear-Macro-Je kawãn untie kawãn release, let go
Mocoví Guaicuruan y-oso-wek untie y-oso-wek release, let go
Pilagá Guaicuruan yi-'so-iyi untie yi-'so-iyi release, let go
Toba Guaicuruan i-so-wek untie i-so-wek release, let go
Lezgian Nakh-Daghestanian ахъайун untie ахъайун release, let go
Ket Yeniseian ultij (2) to untie ultij (2) to let go
Tarifiyt Berber Afro-Asiatic ā’xu to untie ā’xu to let go
Wichí Matacoan ilanhi to untie ilanhi to let go