Colexifications for "MARRIED WOMAN" and "WIFE"

Language Family Form for MARRIED WOMAN Gloss for MARRIED WOMAN Form for WIFE Gloss for WIFE
Hungarian Uralic feleség married woman feleség wife
Northern Saami Uralic ahkka married woman ahkka wife
Latin Indo-European coniunx married woman coniunx wife
Latin Indo-European marīta married woman marīta wife
Latin Indo-European uxor married woman uxor wife
Breton Indo-European gwreg married woman gwreg wife
Old English Indo-European cwēn married woman cwēn wife
Old English Indo-European wīf married woman wīf wife
Old High German Indo-European quena married woman quena wife
German Indo-European Ehefrau married woman Ehefrau wife
Ancient Aramaic Afro-Asiatic ʔinttā ̃ ʔattā married woman ʔinttā ̃ ʔattā wife
Negerhollands Indo-European frou married woman frou wife
Polci Afro-Asiatic uwargida married woman uwargida wife
Chipaya Uru-Chipaya tʰun married woman tʰun wife
Ese Ejja (Huarayo) Pano-Tacanan e-wana-se married woman e-wana-se wife
Ayoreo Zamucoan ako'te married woman ako'te wife
Yagán Yámana tuku married woman tuku wife
Sui Tai-Kadai ni.4 ʔbja:k.7 married woman ni.4 ʔbja:k.7 wife
Hlai (Baoting variety) Tai-Kadai pai.3 khau.2 married woman pai.3 khau.2 wife
Sanchong Kelao Tai-Kadai ma.42 wa.42 married woman ma.42 wa.42 wife
Rumai Austroasiatic ja.412 married woman ja.412 wife
Hausa Afro-Asiatic màatáa the married woman màatáa the wife
Iraqw Afro-Asiatic haree the married woman haree the wife
Ket Yeniseian qīm the married woman qīm the wife
Otomi Otomanguean ‘be̲hñä the married woman 'be̲hñä the wife
Selice Romani Indo-European romni the married woman romni the wife
White Hmong Hmong-Mien pojniam the married woman pojniam the wife