Colexifications for "DRESS" and "CLOTHES"

Language Family Form for DRESS Gloss for DRESS Form for CLOTHES Gloss for CLOTHES
Hungarian Uralic ruha woman's dress ruha clothing, clothes
Nenets Uralic imbɨtʔʔ woman's dress imbɨtʔʔ clothing, clothes
Macushi Cariban pon woman's dress pon clothing, clothes
Irish Indo-European culaith woman's dress culaith clothing, clothes
Old High German Indo-European gi-fang woman's dress gi-fang clothing, clothes
Old High German Indo-European gi-garawi woman's dress gi-garawi clothing, clothes
Old High German Indo-European gi-want woman's dress gi-want clothing, clothes
Old High German Indo-European giwāti woman's dress giwāti clothing, clothes
Old High German Indo-European hāz woman's dress hāz clothing, clothes
Middle High German Indo-European kleit woman's dress kleit clothing, clothes
Middle High German Indo-European wāt woman's dress wāt clothing, clothes
Russian Indo-European platje woman's dress plat ́je clothing, clothes
Persian Indo-European lebɑs woman's dress lebɑs clothing, clothes
Nahuatl (Sierra de Zacapoaxtla variety) Uto-Aztecan i-taken woman's dress i-taken clothing, clothes
Hawaiian Austronesian ʔaʔahu woman's dress ʔaʔahu clothing, clothes
Hawaiian Austronesian lole woman's dress lole clothing, clothes
Tongan Austronesian teuŋa woman's dress teuŋa clothing, clothes
Yuwana Jodi-Saliban toto woman's dress toto clothing, clothes
Yagua Peba-Yagua su-hay woman's dress suhay clothing, clothes
Wapishana Arawakan -kʰamičʰa-n woman's dress -kʰamičʰa-n clothing, clothes
Aymara Aymaran isi woman's dress isi clothing, clothes
Mosetén Mosetén-Chimané kis'ye woman's dress kis'ye clothing, clothes
Ese Ejja Pano-Tacanan ɗaki woman's dress ɗaki clothing, clothes
Ese Ejja (Huarayo) Pano-Tacanan daki woman's dress daki clothing, clothes
Shipibo-Conibo Pano-Tacanan sawɨti woman's dress sawɨ-ti clothing, clothes
Guaraní Tupian ao woman's dress ao clothing, clothes
Sirionó Tupian ei̯rao woman's dress ei̯rao clothing, clothes
Sanapaná (Enlhet dialect) Lengua-Mascoy nentaɬnama woman's dress nentaɬnama clothing, clothes
Chorote Matacoan -wuy woman's dress -wuy clothing, clothes
Bengali Indo-European pośāka woman's dress poṣāka clothing, clothes
Q'eqchi' Mayan tiqb'al the (woman's) dress tiqb'al the clothing or clothes
Selice Romani Indo-European gáda the (woman's) dress gáda the clothing or clothes