Colexifications for "BAD LUCK" and "OMEN"

Language Family Form for BAD LUCK Gloss for BAD LUCK Form for OMEN Gloss for OMEN
Maori Austronesian aituaa misfortune, bad luck aituaa omen, portent
Yagua Peba-Yagua hũwatadoda misfortune, bad luck hũwatadoda omen, portent
Qau Kelao Tai-Kadai jin.13 ćhi.13 ʔo.35 ʔɛ.42 misfortune, bad luck jin.13 ćhi.13 ʔo.35 ʔɛ.42 omen, portent
Imbabura Quechua Quechuan chiki the bad luck chiki the omen