Colexifications for "MARKET" and "STORE"

Language Family Form for MARKET Gloss for MARKET Form for STORE Gloss for STORE
Panare Cariban ikityə y-an-to market (place) ikityə y-an-to store, shop
Sanskrit Indo-European āpaṇa- market (place) āpaṇa- store, shop
Sanskrit Indo-European vipaṇa- market (place) vipaṇa- store, shop
Guaraní Tupian ɲemuha market (place) ɲemu-ha store, shop
Telugu Dravidian wiphaNi market (place) wiphaNi store, shop
Manange Sino-Tibetan 4tukʌŋ the market 4tukʌŋ the shop/store
Oroqen Tungusic mayman the market mayman the shop/store
White Hmong Hmong-Mien khw the market khw the shop/store
White Hmong Hmong-Mien taj laj the market taj laj the shop/store
Wichí Matacoan tiena the market tiena the shop/store