Colexifications for "SEED" and "TESTICLES"

Language Family Form for SEED Gloss for SEED Form for TESTICLES Gloss for TESTICLES
Hawaiian Austronesian hua seed hua testicle
Tacana Pano-Tacanan ehaha seed ehaha testicle
Cayuvava Cayubaba 'βarie seed 'βarie testicle
Guaraní Tupian t-aʔɨ̃i seed t-aʔɨi testicle
Telugu Dravidian biijam seed biijam testicle
Gudu Afro-Asiatic xəǐ seed xə̄i testicles
Biak Austronesian mor seed moːr testicles
Kaisabu Austronesian holoᵐpe seed holoᵐpe testicles
Keo, Udiworowatu Austronesian diʔe seed diʔe testicles
Maybrat Maybrat-Karon +akan seed +akan testicles
Sar Timor-Alor-Pantar ˈbag seed ˈbag testicles
Cia-Cia, Takimpo Austronesian βat͡ʃu seed βat͡ʃu testicles
Malagasy Austronesian vòa the seed vòa the testicles