Colexifications for "DO" and "BUILD"

Language Family Form for DO Gloss for DO Form for BUILD Gloss for BUILD
Adyghe Abkhaz-Adyge ʃʼən do ˈʃʼən build
Avar Nakh-Daghestanian habizje do habizje build
Chuvash Turkic tu do tu build
Central Siberian Yupik Eskimo-Aleut ulimaqa do ulimaqa build
Northern Mansi Uralic waːruŋkʷʲe do waːruŋkʷʲe build
Hill Mari Uralic ɯʃtæʃ do ɯʃtæʃ build
Skolt Sami Uralic rɒːʝːɐd do rɒːʝːɐd build
Machame Atlantic-Congo itana do itana build
Machame.unn Atlantic-Congo itana do itana build
Meru Atlantic-Congo itobira do itobira build
Archi Nakh-Daghestanian as to do as to build
Bezhta Nakh-Daghestanian -ow- to do -ow- to build
Ceq Wong Austroasiatic buat to do buat to build
Hup Nadahup bɨʔ- to do bɨʔ- to build
Iraqw Afro-Asiatic tleehh to do tleehh to build