Colexifications for "STATUE" and "IDOL"

Language Family Form for STATUE Gloss for STATUE Form for IDOL Gloss for IDOL
Sanskrit Indo-European pratimā- statue pratimā- idol
Ancient Aramaic Afro-Asiatic ṣalmā statue ṣalmā idol
Hawaiian Austronesian kiʔi statue kiʔi idol
Maori Austronesian whaka-pakoko statue whaka-pakoko idol
Rotuman Austronesian tupuʔa statue tupuʔa idol
Cavineña Pano-Tacanan yosokʷana statue yoso-kʷana idol
Karata Nakh-Daghestanian чиба statue чиба idol
Thai (Korat variety) Tai-Kadai lu:p.4 pan.4 statue lu:p.4 pan.4 idol
Khamuang (Chiang Mai variety) Tai-Kadai hu:p.4 pan.5 statue hu:p.4 pan.5 idol
Kumyk (Dorgeli dialect) Turkic ташсурат statue ташсурат idol
Kumyk (Kajtak Tumenler dialect) Turkic ташсурат statue ташсурат idol
Kumyk (Kajtak dialect) Turkic ташсурат statue ташсурат idol
Kumyk (Karabudakhkent dialect) Turkic ташсурат statue ташсурат idol
Kumyk (Ter Bragun dialect) Turkic таш сурат statue таш сурат idol
Hindi Indo-European muːrt̪i statue muːrt̪i idol
Kumyk Turkic ташсурат statue таш сурат idol
Nogai Turkic тас суьврет statue тас суьврет idol
Hausa Afro-Asiatic gúnkìi the statue gúnkìi the idol
Kanuri Saharan gúnkì the statue gúnkì the idol
Q'eqchi' Mayan jalam ’uuch the statue jalam 'uuch the idol
Saramaccan Indo-European pindi the statue pindi the idol
Saramaccan Indo-European póbíki the statue póbíki the idol
White Hmong Hmong-Mien mlom the statue mlom the idol