Language | Family | Form for THINK (BELIEVE) | Gloss for THINK (BELIEVE) | Form for GUESS | Gloss for GUESS |
Estonian | Uralic | ar̃wama | think (= be of the opinion) | ar̃wama | guess |
Finnish | Uralic | luulla | think (= be of the opinion) | luulla | guess |
Hungarian | Uralic | vél | think (= be of the opinion) | vél | guess |
Selkup | Uralic | tənɨr̃pɨḳo | think (= be of the opinion) | tənɨr̃pɨḳo | guess |
Udmurt | Uralic | malpanɩ | think (= be of the opinion) | malpanɩ | guess |
Yuwana | Jodi-Saliban | ũ | think (= be of the opinion) | ũ | guess |
Avar (Andalal dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | ккеде | think (= be of the opinion) | ккеде | guess |
Pilagá | Guaicuruan | yi-'pet-ʔa | think (= be of the opinion) | yi-'pet-ʔa | guess |
Toba | Guaicuruan | i-pet-a-ʔa | think (= be of the opinion) | i-pet-a-ʔa | guess |
Ossetic | Indo-European | æнхъæлын | think (= be of the opinion) | æнхъæлын | guess |
Karata (Tokitin dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | бигведу | think (= be of the opinion) | бигведу | guess |
Tai Khün | Tai-Kadai | khit.5 | think (= be of the opinion) | khit.5 | guess |
Tindi | Nakh-Daghestanian | бухьилъʼа | think (= be of the opinion) | бухьилъʼа | guess |
Tindi | Nakh-Daghestanian | хІисаб игьилъʼа | think (= be of the opinion) | хІисаб игьилъʼа | guess |
Chamalal | Nakh-Daghestanian | букла | think (= be of the opinion) | букла | guess |
Dargwa (Tsudakhar dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | лужиз | think (= be of the opinion) | лужиз | guess |
Dargwa (Usisha dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | гьанбиркий | think (= be of the opinion) | гьанбиркий | guess |
Kumyk (Ter Bragun dialect) | Turkic | ойламакъ | think (= be of the opinion) | ойламакъ | guess |
Lak (Shali dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | ххан | think (= be of the opinion) | ххан | guess |
Rutul (Ikhrek dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | фикир гьапІын | think (= be of the opinion) | фикир гьапІын | guess |
Rutul (Shinaz dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | фикыр гьавыъын | think (= be of the opinion) | фикыр гьавыъын | guess |
Archi (variety 2) | Nakh-Daghestanian | аргьас | think (= be of the opinion) | аргьас | guess |
Lak | Nakh-Daghestanian | ххан | think (= be of the opinion) | ххан | guess |
Dargwa | Nakh-Daghestanian | гьанбиркес | think (= be of the opinion) | гьанбиркес | guess |
Dargwa (Khajdak dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | гьамбиркара | think (= be of the opinion) | гьамбиркара | guess |
Lezgi (Mikrakh dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | гьисабун | think (= be of the opinion) | гьисабун | guess |
Rutul | Nakh-Daghestanian | гьаІсаб гьыъын | think (= be of the opinion) | гьаІсаб гьыъын | guess |
Tabasaran (Northern dialect Khanag subdialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | фикир апІув | think (= be of the opinion) | фикир апІув | guess |
Tabasaran (Northern dialect Khanag subdialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | гьисав апІув | think (= be of the opinion) | гьисав апІув | guess |
Telugu | Dravidian | uuhincu | think (= be of the opinion) | uuhincu | guess |
Kumyk | Turkic | ёрамакъ | think (= be of the opinion) | ёрамакъ | guess |
Nogai | Turkic | ойлав | think (= be of the opinion) | ойлав | guess |
Archi | Nakh-Daghestanian | arhas | to think(2) | arhas | to guess |
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