Colexifications for "WINE" and "BEER"

Language Family Form for WINE Gloss for WINE Form for BEER Gloss for BEER
Hausa Afro-Asiatic giya wine giya beer
Yaruro Pumé Niβɛ ɛrɔ wine Niβɛ ɛrɔ beer
Aché Tupian ɨ tata wine ɨ tata beer
Guaraní Tupian kaɣʷɨ wine kaɣʷɨ beer
Lengua Lengua-Mascoy yam-anmin wine yam-anmin beer
Tehuelche Chonan 'lam wine 'lam beer
Uncunwee Nubian bíǰe wine bíǰe beer
Hindi Indo-European ɕaraːb wine ɕaraːb beer
Rumai Austroasiatic ɛm.51 bâh.51 wine ɛm.51 bâh.51 beer
Paliu Austroasiatic phro.51 wine phro.51 beer
Pear Austroasiatic bah ple bɔʔ wine bah ple bɔʔ beer
Hausa Afro-Asiatic gíyàa the wine gíyàa the beer
Kanuri Saharan mbàl the wine mbàl the beer
Manange Sino-Tibetan 1pʰi (1) the wine 1pʰi (1) the beer