Colexifications for "FATHER'S SISTER" and "MOTHER-IN-LAW (OF MAN)"

Language Family Form for FATHER'S SISTER Gloss for FATHER'S SISTER Form for MOTHER-IN-LAW (OF MAN) Gloss for MOTHER-IN-LAW (OF MAN)
Selkup Uralic imɨlʸa father's sister imɨlʸa mother-in-law (of a man)
Macushi Cariban waʔnɨ father's sister waʔnɨ mother-in-law (of a man)
Ninam (Shirishana variety) Yanomamic yaa-ye father's sister yaa-ye mother-in-law (of a man)
Yanomámi Yanomamic yai-yə father's sister yai-yə mother-in-law (of a man)
Waorani Waorani bæ̃te father's sister bæ̃te mother-in-law (of a man)
Yagua Peba-Yagua deseda father's sister deseda mother-in-law (of a man)
Wayampi Tupian yayɛ father's sister yayɛ mother-in-law (of a man)
Kaingáng Nuclear-Macro-Je mə-Φi father's sister mə-Φi mother-in-law (of a man)
Rutul (Borchino Khnow dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian дей father's sister дей mother-in-law (of a man)
Wa Austroasiatic mɛʔ.B father's sister mɛʔ.B mother-in-law (of a man)
Avar (Kusur dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian абай father's sister абай mother-in-law (of a man)
Pear Austroasiatic kan father's sister kan mother-in-law (of a man)
Hup Nadahup pæ̃ʔǽy’ the father's sister pæ̃ʔǽy’ the mother-in-law (of a man)
Manange Sino-Tibetan 1aŋi the father's sister 1aŋi the mother-in-law (of a man)