Colexifications for "LIFT" and "GO UP (ASCEND)"

Language Family Form for LIFT Gloss for LIFT Form for GO UP (ASCEND) Gloss for GO UP (ASCEND)
Breton Indo-European sevel raise, lift sevel go up
Old English Indo-European ūpgān raise, lift ūpgān go up
Ese Ejja Pano-Tacanan ehayakiki raise, lift ehayakiki go up
Ese Ejja Pano-Tacanan sowa-ki- raise, lift sowa-ki- go up
Bacama Afro-Asiatic ɓu lift ɓu mount
Mwulyen Afro-Asiatic ùŋgúrò lift ùŋgúró mount
Breton Indo-European seːvɛl lift seːvɛl rise
Northern Kurdish Indo-European həldan lift həldan rise
Moksha Uralic keˑpodʲems lift kepodʲems rise
Lahu (Black) Sino-Tibetan tᴀ⁵⁴ carry on a pole (two people) tᴀ⁵⁴ ascend
Maru [Langsu] Sino-Tibetan tɔ̃³¹ carry on a pole (two people) tɔʔ³¹ ascend
Hausa Afro-Asiatic háu to raise or lift háu to go up