Colexifications for "EAR" and "HEAR"

Language Family Form for EAR Gloss for EAR Form for HEAR Gloss for HEAR
Wulguru Pama-Nyungan bina ear bina hear
Elfdalian Indo-European ära EAR ära HEAR
Negerhollands Indo-European ho ear ho hear
Proto Polynesian Austronesian PPN *roŋo ear PPN *roŋo hear
Misme (Zime) Afro-Asiatic houm ear hoùm hear
Wetan Austronesian tlina ear tlina hear
Jinghpo Sino-Tibetan na ear na hear
Moere Nuclear Trans New Guinea iwan ear -iwan- to hear
Skou Sko ear to hear
moere Nuclear Trans New Guinea iwan ear -iwan- hear