Colexifications for "ROUND" and "BALL"

Language Family Form for ROUND Gloss for ROUND Form for BALL Gloss for BALL
Macushi Cariban amokoʔwarɨ round amokoʔwarɨ sphere, ball
Hawaiian Austronesian poepoe round poepoe sphere, ball
Cayapa Barbacoan 'daʔ-pu'ka-ka round 'daʔ-pu'ka-ka sphere, ball
Aguaruna Chicham tɨntɨɨ round tɨn'tɨɨ sphere, ball
Yagua Peba-Yagua waturi- round waturi- sphere, ball
Wapishana Arawakan kʰadaẓadaʔɨ-ʔu round kʰadaẓadaʔɨ-ʔu sphere, ball
Aymara Aymaran muruḳˀu round muruḳˀu sphere, ball
Araona Pano-Tacanan haha-haha round haha-haha sphere, ball
Tacana Pano-Tacanan perorota round perorota sphere, ball
Yaminahua Pano-Tacanan tokoro round tokoro sphere, ball
Pilagá Guaicuruan n-ʔon-aʔt round n-ʔon-aʔt sphere, ball
Gününa Küne Puelche kal-kal round kal-kal sphere, ball
Uncunwee Nubian ʈur round ʈur sphere, ball
Dehong Tai-Kadai lɔm.6 round lɔm.6 sphere, ball
Southern Kam Tai-Kadai qon.212 round qon.212 sphere, ball
Keme (Kemie variety) Austroasiatic mun.31 round mun.31 sphere, ball
Kha Poong Austroasiatic klu:n.33 round klu:n.33 sphere, ball
Hausa Afro-Asiatic ƙwállóo round ƙwállóo the ball
Hawaiian Austronesian poepoe round poepoe the ball
Wichí Matacoan lhip’unlhi round lhip’unlhi the ball