Colexifications for "LAND" and "FLOOR"

Language Family Form for LAND Gloss for LAND Form for FLOOR Gloss for FLOOR
Chepang Sino-Tibetan sā? earth sā? floor
Gurung Sino-Tibetan earth floor
Kham Sino-Tibetan 'nām earth 'nām floor
Magar Sino-Tibetan jhā earth jha floor
Panare Cariban ano earth, land ano floor
Catalan Indo-European terra earth, land terra floor
Sanskrit Indo-European bhūmi- earth, land bhūmi- floor
Romani Indo-European pʰuv earth, land pʰuv floor
Persian Indo-European zæmin earth, land zæmin floor
Ancient Aramaic Afro-Asiatic ʔarʁā earth, land ʔarʁā floor
Basque Basque lür earth, land lür floor
Seri Seri ʔant earth, land ʔant floor
Bella Coola Salishan -ulmx earth, land -ulmx floor
Páez Páez kiwe earth, land kiwe floor
Colorado Barbacoan to earth, land to floor
Cofán Cofán ãde earth, land ãde floor
Siona Tucanoan yaʔo earth, land yaʔo floor
Tuyuca Tucanoan ye'pa earth, land ye'pa floor
Aguaruna Chicham nugka earth, land nugka floor
Ignaciano Arawakan apakeʔe earth, land apakeʔe floor
Aymara Aymaran uraḳi earth, land uraḳi floor
Ese Ejja Pano-Tacanan meši earth, land meši floor
Ese Ejja (Huarayo) Pano-Tacanan meši earth, land meši floor
Tacana Pano-Tacanan yawa earth, land yawa floor
Chiriguano Tupian ɨwɨ earth, land ɨwɨ floor
Sirionó Tupian ibi earth, land ibi floor
Uncunwee Nubian top earth, land top floor
Dehong Tai-Kadai laŋ.1 lin.6 earth, land laŋ.1 lin.6 floor
Nung-Fengshan Tai-Kadai na:m.6 earth, land na:m.6 floor
Nung-Ninbei Tai-Kadai tei.6 earth, land tei.6 floor
Zhuang-Longzhou Tai-Kadai ti.6 earth, land ti.6 floor
Qau Kelao Tai-Kadai tu.42 lu.42 earth, land tu.42 lu.42 floor
Aghul Nakh-Daghestanian джил earth, land джил floor
Lezgi (Mikrakh dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian чил earth, land чил floor
Tabasaran (Southern dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian жил earth, land жил floor
Telugu Dravidian neela earth, land neela floor
Nogai Turkic ер earth, land ер floor
Chang Sino-Tibetan gau land gau floor
Gawwada Afro-Asiatic piye the land piye the floor
Imbabura Quechua Quechuan allpa the land allpa the floor
Ket Yeniseian baˀŋ the land baˀŋ the floor
Otomi Otomanguean hai the land hai the floor
Q'eqchi' Mayan ch’och’ the land ch’och’ the floor
Selice Romani Indo-European phú the land phú the floor
Tarifiyt Berber Afro-Asiatic ŧammua’ŧ the land ŧammua’ŧ the floor
Wichí Matacoan hunhat the land hunhat the floor
Yaqui Uto-Aztecan bwia the land bwia the floor