Colexifications for "EGG" and "TESTICLES"

Language Family Form for EGG Gloss for EGG Form for TESTICLES Gloss for TESTICLES
Komi Uralic kolʸk egg kolʸk testicle
Mari Uralic 'muno egg 'muno testicle
Selkup Uralic ɛŋ egg ɛŋ testicle
Udmurt Uralic puz egg puz testicle
Yiddish Indo-European ej egg ej testicle
Serbo-Croatian Indo-European jaje egg jaje testicle
Russian Indo-European jajco egg jajco testicle
Hawaiian Austronesian hua egg hua testicle
Colorado Barbacoan piʰ'poka egg piʰ'po-ka testicle
Yaruro Pumé nɨ̃ egg nɨ̃ testicle
Mashco Piro Arawakan naxi egg naxi testicle
Chipaya Uru-Chipaya šiɲi egg šiɲi testicle
Araona Pano-Tacanan eha egg eha testicle
Aché Tupian piaʔa egg piaʔa testicle
Sirionó Tupian eči̯a egg eči̯a testicle
Avar (Karakh dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian хІуно egg хІуно testicle
Selknam Chonan èl egg èl testicle
Avar (East Gergebil dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian хуну egg хуну testicle
Karata (Tokitin dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian гьану egg гьану testicle
Khasi Austroasiatic pylleng egg pylleng testicle
Judeo-Tat Indo-European хое egg хое testicle
Pear Austroasiatic krau egg krau testicle
Gələvda Afro-Asiatic xɩ̀yà egg xɩ̀yà testicles
Nakatsa Afro-Asiatic ƚiya egg ƚiya testicles
Cia-Cia, Gonda Baru Austronesian t͡ʃikolu egg t͡ʃikolu testicles
Cia-Cia, Lapandewa Austronesian t͡ʃikolu egg t͡ʃikolu testicles
Komodo Austronesian təlo egg təlo testicles
Manggarai Austronesian ruha egg ruha testicles
Sika, Tana Ai Austronesian təlo egg təlo testicles
Gawwada Afro-Asiatic ʔukaahe the egg ʔukaahe the testicles
Imbabura Quechua Quechuan lulun the egg lulun the testicles
Lower Sorbian Indo-European jajo the egg jajo the testicles
Otomi Otomanguean mädo the egg mädo the testicles
Otomi Otomanguean t’axi the egg t’axi the testicles
Sakha Turkic sɨmɨːt the egg sɨmɨːt the testicles
Seychelles Creole Indo-European dizef the egg dizef the testicles
Thai Tai-Kadai khày the egg khày the testicles