Colexifications for "ANNOUNCE" and "TELL"

Language Family Form for ANNOUNCE Gloss for ANNOUNCE Form for TELL Gloss for TELL
Komi Uralic visʸtavnɩ announce visʸtavnɩ tell story
Old High German Indo-European gisagēn announce gisagēn tell story
Old High German Indo-European ir-rahhōn announce ir-rahhōn tell story
Old High German Indo-European redinōn announce redinōn tell story
Old High German Indo-European redōn announce redōn tell story
Negerhollands Indo-European se announce se tell story
Chatino (Zacatepec variety) Otomanguean kic̷aʔ announce kic̷aʔ tell story
Tongan Austronesian fakahā announce faka-hā tell story
Cofán Cofán 'kõdaye announce kõdaye tell story
Waorani Waorani ' ã-te apæ̃-de announce ' ã-te apæ̃-de tell story
Yagua Peba-Yagua tũču announce tũču tell story
Catuquina Pano-Tacanan yoã- announce yoã- tell story
Chiriguano Tupian moᵐbeu announce moᵐbeu tell story
Sirionó Tupian senei announce senei tell story
Zinacantán Tzotzil Mayan 7al to announce 7al to tell