Colexifications for "SHOUT" and "CALL"

Language Family Form for SHOUT Gloss for SHOUT Form for CALL Gloss for CALL
Jinsha Dai Hmong-Mien huaŋ.43 shout, cry out huaŋ.43 call (=summon)
Guangzhou Sino-Tibetan ai³³ shout ai³³ call
Hefei Sino-Tibetan tɕiɔ⁵³ shout tɕiɔ⁵³ call
Nanchang Sino-Tibetan han²¹³ shout han²¹³ call
Wenzhou Sino-Tibetan tɕiɛ⁴² shout tɕiɛ⁴² call
Yangjiang Sino-Tibetan ham²⁴ shout ham²⁴ call
Modern Greek Indo-European fo'nazo shout, cry out fo'nazo call (=summon)
Catalan Indo-European cridar shout, cry out cridar call (=summon)
Old Norse Indo-European kalla shout, cry out kalla call (=summon)
Old English Indo-European clipian shout, cry out clipian call (=summon)
Middle English Indo-European clepen shout, cry out clepen call (=summon)
Dutch Indo-European roepen shout, cry out roepen call (=summon)
Old High German Indo-European irharēn shout, cry out irharēn call (=summon)
Old High German Indo-European irhruofan shout, cry out irhruofan call (=summon)
Old High German Indo-European irscrīan shout, cry out ir-scrīan call (=summon)
Middle High German Indo-European ruofen shout, cry out ruofen call (=summon)
German Indo-European rufen shout, cry out rufen call (=summon)
Hittite Indo-European halzai- shout, cry out halzai- call (=summon)
Romani Indo-European akʰar- shout, cry out akʰar- call (=summon)
Proto Polynesian Austronesian *kalaŋa shout, cry out *kalaŋa call (=summon)
Proto Polynesian Austronesian *tapa shout, cry out *tapa call (=summon)
Puinave Puinave -ak shout, cry out -ak call (=summon)
Yanomámi Yanomamic kõmɨ-ɨ shout, cry out kõmɨ-ɨ call (=summon)
Waorani Waorani a pe shout, cry out a pe call (=summon)
Chipaya Uru-Chipaya ḳʰaw-s shout, cry out ḳʰaw-š call (=summon)
Araona Pano-Tacanan hehe shout, cry out hehe call (=summon)
Ese Ejja Pano-Tacanan iya- shout, cry out 'iya- call (=summon)
Yaminahua Pano-Tacanan kɨna-kĩ shout, cry out kɨna-kĩ call (=summon)
Wayampi Tupian -apukay shout, cry out -apukay call (=summon)
Kaingáng Nuclear-Macro-Je prɛ̃n-prɛ̃r shout, cry out prɛ̃nprɛ̃r call (=summon)
Sanapaná (Enlhet dialect) Lengua-Mascoy neŋweeneeykamˀ shout, cry out neŋweeneeykamˀ call (=summon)
Maca Matacoan -yayii shout, cry out -yay-ii call (=summon)
Avar (Salatav dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian ахӀизе shout, cry out ахӀизе call (=summon)
Godoberi Nakh-Daghestanian бали shout, cry out бали call (=summon)
Godoberi Nakh-Daghestanian вали shout, cry out вали call (=summon)
Dehong Tai-Kadai hɔŋ.4 shout, cry out hɔŋ.4 call (=summon)
Tai Lü Tai-Kadai hɔŋ.4 shout, cry out hɔŋ.4 call (=summon)
Nung-Fengshan Tai-Kadai heu.6 shout, cry out heu.6 call (=summon)
Nung-Lazhai Tai-Kadai he:u.6 shout, cry out he:u.6 call (=summon)
Nung-Ninbei Tai-Kadai jeu.6 shout, cry out jeu.6 call (=summon)
Zhuang-Longzhou Tai-Kadai ja:u.3 shout, cry out ja:u.3 call (=summon)
Chadong Tai-Kadai ha:m.3 shout, cry out ha:m.3 call (=summon)
Southern Kam Tai-Kadai hem.31 shout, cry out hem.31 call (=summon)
Hinuq Nakh-Daghestanian элІа shout, cry out элІа call (=summon)
Lakkia Tai-Kadai ɛu.4 shout, cry out ɛu.4 call (=summon)
Hlai (Baoting variety) Tai-Kadai ca:n.1 shout, cry out ca:n.1 call (=summon)
Langja Buyang Tai-Kadai ŋɔn.11 shout, cry out ŋɔn.11 call (=summon)
Ecun Buyang Tai-Kadai hjeu.31 shout, cry out hjeu.31 call (=summon)
Sanchong Kelao Tai-Kadai hji.13 shout, cry out hji.13 call (=summon)
Chamalal Nakh-Daghestanian балӣла shout, cry out балӣла call (=summon)
Udi Nakh-Daghestanian кІалпсун shout, cry out кІалпсун call (=summon)
Keme (Kemie variety) Austroasiatic vɔ.31 shout, cry out vɔ.31 call (=summon)
Xu Austroasiatic ŋeŋ.33 shout, cry out ŋeŋ.33 call (=summon)
Wa Austroasiatic kok.A shout, cry out kok.A call (=summon)
Rumai Austroasiatic tɛ.51 shout, cry out tɛ.51 call (=summon)
Prai Austroasiatic ŋkrɔ: shout, cry out ŋkrɔ: call (=summon)
Paliu Austroasiatic vau.51 shout, cry out vau.51 call (=summon)
Mlabri Austroasiatic crəw shout, cry out crəw call (=summon)
LiHa Austroasiatic kɛew.33 shout, cry out kɛew.33 call (=summon)
Phong Austroasiatic ke:w.24 shout, cry out ke:w.24 call (=summon)
Tum Austroasiatic ke:w.33 shout, cry out ke:w.33 call (=summon)
Pear Austroasiatic tɔʔ shout, cry out tɔʔ call (=summon)
rGyalrong (Jinchuan Guaninqiao Wobzi) Sino-Tibetan gə́jɑ̌ shout (v) gə́jɑ̌ call (v)
rGyalrong (Lixian Xuecheng Jiamizhai) Sino-Tibetan ka-ɟᴇ shout (v) ka-ɟᴇ call (v)
rGyalrong (Maerkang Japhug Shaerzong (B)) Sino-Tibetan akhu shout (v) akhu call (v)
rGyalrong (Maerkang Soman) Sino-Tibetan ka-ŋa kʰo shout (v) ka-ŋa kʰo call (v)
Hokkaido Ainu Ainu hotuje shout hotuje call
Avar Nakh-Daghestanian aħizje shout aħizje call
Catalan Indo-European kɾiða shout kɾiða call
Irish Indo-European ɡl̪ˠiːɟ shout ɡl̪ˠiːɟ call
Kannada Dravidian kəre shout kəre call
Lithuanian Indo-European ʃɒʊ̯ˑktʲɪ shout ʃɒʊ̯ˑktʲɪ call
Manchu Tungusic kʰait͡ʃampi shout kʰait͡ʃampi call
Inari Sami Uralic t͡ʃu̯ærvuð shout t͡ʃu̯ærvuð call
Skolt Sami Uralic t͡ʃuɐrvːɒd shout t͡ʃuɐrvːɒd call
Tamil Dravidian kuːt͡ɕːʌliɖu shout kuːt͡ɕːʌliɖu call
Lower Sorbian Indo-European wołaś to shout wołaś to call(1)
Old High German Indo-European (h)ruofan to shout (h)ruofan to call(1)
Otomi Otomanguean mat'i to shout mat'i to call(1)
Romanian Indo-European a striga to shout a striga to call(1)
Saramaccan Indo-European bái (2) to shout bái (2) to call(1)