Colexifications for "CLOTH" and "CLOTHES"

Language Family Form for CLOTH Gloss for CLOTH Form for CLOTHES Gloss for CLOTHES
Bugun Singchung Sino-Tibetan juŋ cloth juŋ clothing
Lish Lish Sino-Tibetan wad cloth wad clothing
Monpa Balemu Sino-Tibetan khamuŋ cloth khamuŋ clothing
Monpa Dirang Dum Sino-Tibetan khau cloth khau clothing
Monpa Namsu Sino-Tibetan khau cloth khau clothing
Monpa Tembang Sino-Tibetan khou cloth khou clothing
Monpa Tomko Sino-Tibetan khamu cloth khamu clothing
Monpa Zimithang Sino-Tibetan pih cloth pih clothing
Sartang Darbu 1 Sino-Tibetan joʔ cloth joʔ clothing
Sartang Khoitam Sino-Tibetan joʔ cloth joʔ clothing
Sherdukpen Shergaon Sino-Tibetan joʔ cloth joʔ clothing
Qiandong, South Hmong-Mien tʰiŋ³⁵ cloth tʰiŋ³⁵ clothing (garment)
Eastern Fijian Austronesian i-sulu CLOTH i-sulu CLOTHES
Hawaiian Austronesian lole CLOTH lole CLOTHES
Rapanui Austronesian kahu CLOTH kahu CLOTHES
Rotuman Austronesian hɔʔu CLOTH hɔʔu CLOTHES
Tahitian Austronesian ʔahu CLOTH ʔahu CLOTHES
Kilivila Austronesian [karekʷa] CLOTH [karekʷa] CLOTHES
Motu Austronesian dabua CLOTH dabua CLOTHES
Lau Austronesian maku CLOTH maku CLOTHES
Batak Toba Austronesian abit CLOTH abit CLOTHES
Wai Wai Cariban Φoono cloth Φoono clothing, clothes
Catalan Indo-European roba cloth roba clothing, clothes
Irish Indo-European éadach cloth éadach clothing, clothes
Old Norse Indo-European klœði cloth klœði clothing, clothes
Old High German Indo-European lahhan cloth lahhan clothing, clothes
Hittite Indo-European wasapa- cloth wasapa- clothing, clothes
Sanskrit Indo-European vasana- cloth vasana- clothing, clothes
Sanskrit Indo-European vāsas- cloth vāsas- clothing, clothes
Sanskrit Indo-European vastra- cloth vastra- clothing, clothes
Negerhollands Indo-European duku cloth duku clothing, clothes
Nahuatl (Sierra de Zacapoaxtla variety) Uto-Aztecan tasa-l cloth tasa-l clothing, clothes
Chatino (Zacatepec variety) Otomanguean teʔ cloth teʔ - clothing, clothes
Hawaiian Austronesian lole cloth lole clothing, clothes
Rapa Nui Austronesian kahu cloth kahu clothing, clothes
Rotuman Austronesian hɔʔu cloth hɔʔu clothing, clothes
Tuamotuan Austronesian kahu cloth kahu clothing, clothes
Cayapa Barbacoan 'hali cloth 'hali clothing, clothes
Cayapa Barbacoan 'halʸi cloth 'halʸi clothing, clothes
Colorado Barbacoan c̷ã'pa cloth c̷ã'pa clothing, clothes
Epena Chocoan 'pʰaru cloth 'pʰaru clothing, clothes
Yuwana Jodi-Saliban toto cloth toto clothing, clothes
Yanomámi Yanomamic iro sikɨ cloth iro sikɨ clothing, clothes
Siona Tucanoan kã cloth kã clothing, clothes
Yagua Peba-Yagua suhay cloth suhay clothing, clothes
Mosetén Mosetén-Chimané kis'ye cloth kis'ye clothing, clothes
Araona Pano-Tacanan maša cloth maša clothing, clothes
Cavineña Pano-Tacanan e-hoto-ki cloth e-hoto-ki clothing, clothes
Ese Ejja Pano-Tacanan ɗaki cloth ɗaki clothing, clothes
Ese Ejja (Huarayo) Pano-Tacanan daki cloth daki clothing, clothes
Cashibo Pano-Tacanan ha'pa cloth ha'pa clothing, clothes
Aché Tupian tɨru cloth tɨru clothing, clothes
Sirionó Tupian tiru cloth tiru clothing, clothes
Kaingáng Nuclear-Macro-Je kur cloth kur clothing, clothes
Ayoreo Zamucoan bo'raa cloth bo'raa clothing, clothes
Sanapaná (Enlhet dialect) Lengua-Mascoy apaawa cloth apaawa clothing, clothes
Lengua Lengua-Mascoy apawa cloth apawa clothing, clothes
Nivaclé Matacoan -siwɔklɔk ɬayeʔč cloth -siwɔklɔk ɬa-yeʔč clothing, clothes
Lak (Arakul dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian йанда cloth йанда clothing, clothes
Lak (Shali dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian йанна cloth йанна clothing, clothes
Hindi Indo-European kapaɽaː cloth kapaɽaː clothing, clothes
Khasi Austroasiatic jáiñ cloth jáiñ clothing, clothes
Marathi Indo-European kaːpaɖ cloth kaːpaɖ clothing, clothes
Nepali Indo-European kapaḍā cloth kapaḍā clothing, clothes
CHNG (a Pearic variety) Austroasiatic wuk.B cloth wuk.B clothing, clothes
Chang Sino-Tibetan nei cloth nei clothes
Mikir Sino-Tibetan pe cloth pe clothes
Phom Sino-Tibetan ashak cloth ashak clothes
Sema Sino-Tibetan api cloth api clothes
Yimchungrü Sino-Tibetan khim cloth khim clothes
Zeme Sino-Tibetan pai cloth pai clothes
Lak Nakh-Daghestanian janna cloth janna clothes
Sakha Turkic taŋas cloth taŋas clothes
Southern Sami Uralic tʰyjːɛ cloth tʰyjːɛ clothes
Sulung [Puroik] Sino-Tibetan waʴt⁵³ cloth waʴt⁵³ clothes
Kamba_kitu Atlantic-Congo ngUa cloth ngUa clothes, material
Kipogoro Atlantic-Congo shtambala cloth shtambala clothes, material
Mkuu Atlantic-Congo ktambaa cloth ktambaa clothes, material
Mpoto Atlantic-Congo ingobo cloth ingobo clothes, material
Ngindo Atlantic-Congo ngobo cloth ngobo clothes, material
Nyaturucha Atlantic-Congo isaa cloth isaa clothes, material
Pogoro Atlantic-Congo shtambala cloth shtambala clothes, material
Runyambo Atlantic-Congo omwenda cloth omwenda clothes, material
Hawaiian Austronesian lole the cloth lole the clothing or clothes
Hup Nadahup yǔd the cloth yǔd the clothing or clothes
Manange Sino-Tibetan 3kola the cloth 3kola the clothing or clothes
Otomi Otomanguean 'bitu the cloth 'bitu the clothing or clothes
Sakha Turkic taŋas the cloth taŋas the clothing or clothes
Saramaccan Indo-European koósu the cloth koósu the clothing or clothes
Swahili Atlantic-Congo nguo the cloth nguo the clothing or clothes