Colexifications for "NIPPLE" and "BREAST"

Language Family Form for NIPPLE Gloss for NIPPLE Form for BREAST Gloss for BREAST
Estonian Uralic r̃ind nipple, teat r̃ind breast (of woman)
Khanty Uralic esum nipple, teat esum breast (of woman)
Komi Uralic nyonʸ nipple, teat nyonʸ breast (of woman)
Mansi Uralic sʸak nipple, teat sʸak breast (of woman)
Udmurt Uralic nonɩ nipple, teat nonɩ breast (of woman)
Middle High German Indo-European tutte nipple, teat tutte breast (of woman)
Tocharian B Indo-European piśpik ? nipple, teat piśpik ? breast (of woman)
Maori Austronesian uu nipple, teat uu breast (of woman)
Marquesan Austronesian u nipple, teat u breast (of woman)
Rapa Nui Austronesian nipple, teat breast (of woman)
Páez Páez čuʔč nipple, teat čuʔč breast (of woman)
Cofán Cofán čo nipple, teat čo breast (of woman)
Waorani Waorani goõ-bæ̃ nipple, teat goõ-bæ̃ breast (of woman)
Aguaruna Chicham munc̷u nipple, teat munc̷u breast (of woman)
Avar (Batlukh dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian керен nipple, teat керен breast (of woman)
Trinitario Arawakan -čene nipple, teat -čene breast (of woman)
Aymara Aymaran ɲuɲu nipple, teat ɲuɲu breast (of woman)
Chipaya Uru-Chipaya piš nipple, teat piš breast (of woman)
Araona Pano-Tacanan ac̷o nipple, teat ac̷o breast (of woman)
Ese Ejja Pano-Tacanan tooxo nipple, teat tooxo breast (of woman)
Ese Ejja (Huarayo) Pano-Tacanan e-toxo nipple, teat e-toxo breast (of woman)
Itonama Itonama pi-pɨme nipple, teat pi-pɨme breast (of woman)
Guaraní Tupian 'kama nipple, teat 'kama breast (of woman)
Avar (Zakataly dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian мими nipple, teat мими breast (of woman)
Lengua Lengua-Mascoy nime nipple, teat nime breast (of woman)
Chorote Matacoan tˀ-ateʔ nipple, teat tˀ-ateʔ breast (of woman)
Nivaclé Matacoan -axte nipple, teat -axte breast (of woman)
Mapudungun Araucanian moyo nipple, teat moyo breast (of woman)
Gününa Küne Puelche y-awṣɨgɨ nipple, teat yawṣɨgɨ breast (of woman)
Qawasqar Kawesqar c̷exyaw nipple, teat c̷exyaw breast (of woman)
Yagán Yámana tapoš nipple, teat tapoš breast (of woman)
Ossetic Indo-European дзидзи nipple, teat дзидзи breast (of woman)
Andi Nakh-Daghestanian кока nipple, teat кока breast (of woman)
Botlikh Nakh-Daghestanian кака nipple, teat кака breast (of woman)
Karata Nakh-Daghestanian кака nipple, teat кака breast (of woman)
Hinuq Nakh-Daghestanian тІум nipple, teat тІум breast (of woman)
Dargwa (Mugi dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian мама nipple, teat мама breast (of woman)
Archi (variety 2) Nakh-Daghestanian мам nipple, teat мам breast (of woman)
Aghul Nakh-Daghestanian бизи nipple, teat бизи breast (of woman)
Budukh Nakh-Daghestanian мам nipple, teat мам breast (of woman)
Tabasaran (Southern dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian нана nipple, teat нана breast (of woman)
Telugu Dravidian cannu nipple, teat cannu breast (of woman)
Nogai Turkic эмшек nipple, teat эмшек breast (of woman)
Chechen Nakh-Daghestanian нІакха nipple, teat нІакха breast (of woman)
Prai Austroasiatic poʔ nipple, teat poʔ breast (of woman)
Zimakani Anim tete nipple tětě breast
Gawwada Afro-Asiatic ʕaɗunko the nipple or teat ʕaɗunko the breast
Selice Romani Indo-European čúči the nipple or teat čúči the breast
Swahili Atlantic-Congo titi the nipple or teat titi the breast