CLICS Form | Variety | Family | Form in source | Gloss in source | Dataset | |
adub@lu | Higi Baza | Afro-Asiatic | adubə̀lu | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
baasown | Bangime | Bangime | bāā sɔ̀wⁿ | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
baraoumazoumak | Misme (Zime) | Afro-Asiatic | baraou ma zou mak | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
basey | Bacama | Afro-Asiatic | basɛy | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
cimbita | Ga?anda | Afro-Asiatic | cɩ̀mbɩtà | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
cimbite | Gábin | Afro-Asiatic | cɩm̀bitè | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
disaare | Fulfulde | Atlantic-Congo | disaa re | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
fartana | Banana (Mouseye) | Afro-Asiatic | fartana | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
fatalo | Songhai_Senni | Songhay | fàtál ò | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
fwoyi | Mwulyen | Afro-Asiatic | fwòyí | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
gadimbile | Njanye | Afro-Asiatic | gàdi̵mbi̵le | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
gadimil | Fali Kiria | Afro-Asiatic | gàdi̵mì̵l | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
gadumbul | Kilba | Afro-Asiatic | gādùmbǘl | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
g@d@mbuli | Higi Kamale | Afro-Asiatic | gə̀də̀mbùli | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
gibi | Mombo | Dogon | gíbí | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
gibu | Najamba | Dogon | gíbú | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
gudel | Daba | Afro-Asiatic | gudèl | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
gudil | Yingilum | Atlantic-Congo | gùdɩ́l | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
gumaje | Ngizim | Afro-Asiatic | gùmajè | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
ibi | Penange | Dogon | ìbì | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
iriml@ng@y | Pəlci | Afro-Asiatic | i̵ri̵mlə̀ŋə̂y | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
iwi | Tiranige_Diga | Dogon | ìwì | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
jabi | Ngwaxi | Afro-Asiatic | ǰàɓì | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
japto | Ngamo | Afro-Asiatic | jàptô | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
jibu | Tommo_So | Dogon | jíbú | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
j@tto | Bole(wa) | Afro-Asiatic | ǰəttò | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
kadimbur | Fali Mucella | Afro-Asiatic | kàdì̵mbur̃ | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
kadubuli | Higi Nkafa | Afro-Asiatic | kàdubùli | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
kadumbul | Wamdiu | Afro-Asiatic | kàdumbùl | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
kadumbula | Gude | Afro-Asiatic | kàdumbùla | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
kadumbuli | Fali Jilbu | Afro-Asiatic | kàdumbùlî | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
kadumbulu | Hildi | Afro-Asiatic | kàdumbulu | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
kadumudin | Fali Ɓwagira | Afro-Asiatic | kàdùmuðɩn | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
k@dubuli | Higi Futu | Afro-Asiatic | kə̀dùbuli | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
k@pa | Piðimdi | Afro-Asiatic | kə̀pa | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
kudel | Lame (Peve) | Afro-Asiatic | kudel | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
kudiel | Lame | Atlantic-Congo | kúdiὲl | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
kuwurt@ | Boka | Afro-Asiatic | kuwurtə̀ | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
kwudyel | Fali Gili | Afro-Asiatic | kwudyὲl | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
lantikero | Tangale | Afro-Asiatic | làntì kerò | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
l@kw@nggila | Gava | Afro-Asiatic | ɬə̀kwəŋgìlà | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
lugwite | Zə̀ɣvana | Afro-Asiatic | lugwitè | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
lukildi | Geji | Afro-Asiatic | luki̵lðì | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
malakanggwaz | Matakam | Afro-Asiatic | màƚàka ŋ́gwàz | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
memayanda | Karekare | Afro-Asiatic | memàyànɗà | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
orosu | Ben_Tey | Dogon | òrò sú | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
p@tile | Mandara | Afro-Asiatic | pə̀tɩlè | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
sidaya | Gələvda | Afro-Asiatic | sɩɗàyà | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
sis@mar | Hwona | Afro-Asiatic | šìsəmar̃ | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
sogu | Bunoge | Dogon | sɔ́gù | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
songzibe | Yanda_Dom | Dogon | sɔ̀ŋ zìbè | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
soyjibu | Yorno_So | Dogon | sɔ̀y jíbú | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
s@radava | Nakatsa | Afro-Asiatic | səraɗàvà | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
taape | Jenaama | Mande | tààpè | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
thegarafiboina | Massa | Afro-Asiatic | θεgarafi bɔina | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
tsofo | Gudu | Afro-Asiatic | tsófo | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
tundugu | Togo_Kan | Dogon | tùⁿ dúgú | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
tuwil | Ankwe | Afro-Asiatic | tuwì̵l | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
tzini | Jari | Atlantic-Congo | tzɩ̀nì | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
yaley | Jamsay | Dogon | yà:lěy | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
yapembi | Bankan_Tey | Dogon | yà pémbí | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
yazibe | Tebul_Ure | Dogon | yà: zìbé | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
ynarnuyoru | Toro_Tegu | Dogon | yⁿà rⁿú yɔ̀rù | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
yur | Perge_Tegu | Dogon | yùr | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
yurpembi | Nanga | Dogon | yùr pémbí | WRAPPER | Bangime and Friends | |
zaa | West Margi | Afro-Asiatic | zàʔa | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
zabi | Bura | Afro-Asiatic | žaɓì | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
zabi | Cibak | Afro-Asiatic | zaɓi | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
zanan | Bade | Afro-Asiatic | zànan | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
zane | Hausa | Afro-Asiatic | zanḕ | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
zebi | Margi | Afro-Asiatic | žὲɓi | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
z@ni | Miya | Afro-Asiatic | zənì | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists | |
z@ni | Seya | Afro-Asiatic | zəni | woman's bodycloth | Chadic Wordlists |
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