Colexifications for "BATHE" and "WASH"

Language Family Form for BATHE Gloss for BATHE Form for WASH Gloss for WASH
Monpa Tomko Sino-Tibetan zigpan to take bath zigpan to wash
Selkup Uralic musɨltɨḳo bathe musɨltɨḳo wash
Irish Indo-European folc bathe folc wash
Welsh Indo-European golchi bathe golchi wash
Old English Indo-European baθian bathe baθian wash
Albanian (Tosk variety) Indo-European lʸan bathe lʸan wash
Ancient Aramaic Afro-Asiatic sχā bathe sχā wash
Proto Austronesian Austronesian PAN *ɲaw bathe PAN *ɲaw wash
Cofán Cofán õhoeɲe bathe ohoeɲe wash
Chipaya Uru-Chipaya awxs bathe awxs wash
Ayoreo Zamucoan u'ruu bathe u'ruu wash
Selknam Chonan ʔòčè bathe ʔòčèʔ wash
Andi (Muni dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian арчу bathe арчу wash
Andi Nakh-Daghestanian абчиду bathe абчиду wash
Khwarshi (Kwantlada dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian ысана bathe ысана wash
Akhvakh (Northern dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian чо̄рулъІа bathe чо̄рулъІа wash
Akhvakh (Southern dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian чабулахъе bathe чабулахъе wash
Khwarshi (Khwarshi dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian эсана bathe эсана wash
Archi (variety 2) Nakh-Daghestanian чучыбос bathe чучыбос wash
Khwarshi (Inkhokvari dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian исана bathe исана wash
Archi (variety 1) Nakh-Daghestanian чучибос bathe чучибос wash
Lezgi (Mikrakh dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian чуьхуьн bathe чуьхуьн wash
Kamang, Atoitaa Timor-Alor-Pantar +wei bathe +wei wash
Kalamang West Bomberai ˈwaruo bathe ˈwaruo wash
Suboo Timor-Alor-Pantar wiː bathe wiː wash
Ergong (Danba) Sino-Tibetan ʐʁe bathe ʐʁe wash (clothes)
Lisu Sino-Tibetan tshɿ³¹ bathe tshɿ³¹ wash (clothes)
Tsangla (Motuo) Sino-Tibetan zik bathe zik wash (clothes)
Namuyi Sino-Tibetan tshɿ³³ bathe tshɿ³³ wash (clothes)
Yi (Nanhua) Sino-Tibetan tshi²¹ bathe tshi²¹ wash (clothes)
Queyu (Yajiang) [Zhaba] Sino-Tibetan lə³⁵tsi⁵³ bathe lə³⁵tsi⁵³ wash (clothes)
Bena Atlantic-Congo kalava bathe kalava wash, take a bath
Bondei1 Atlantic-Congo kw-ehaka bathe kw-ehaka wash, take a bath
Bondei2 Atlantic-Congo kw-ehaka bathe kw-ehaka wash, take a bath
Bungu Atlantic-Congo kuchinda bathe kuchinda wash, take a bath
Chuka Atlantic-Congo kuthamba bathe kUthamba wash
Dawida Atlantic-Congo kuoga bathe kuoga wash, take a bath
Doe Atlantic-Congo -kogela bathe k-ogela wash, take a bath
Embu Atlantic-Congo kUyeria bathe kUyeria wash, take a bath
Fipa Atlantic-Congo ukufulala bathe ukufulala wash, take a bath
Gwere Atlantic-Congo ku-naaba bathe ku-naaba wash, take a bath
Hangaza Atlantic-Congo ukwoga bathe ukwoga wash, take a bath
Haya Atlantic-Congo oga bathe oga wash, take a bath
Jita Atlantic-Congo yoga bathe yoga wash, take a bath
Kamba_kitu Atlantic-Congo kUthamba bathe kUthamba wash, take a bath
Kamba_mach Atlantic-Congo thamba bathe thamba wash, take a bath
Kami Atlantic-Congo ku-isunha bathe ku-isunha wash, take a bath
Kerebe Atlantic-Congo kunaba bathe kunaba wash, take a bath
Kiha Atlantic-Congo ukwiyuhagila bathe ukwiyuhagila wash, take a bath
Kilegi Atlantic-Congo okwoka bathe okwoka wash, take a bath
Kimbunga Atlantic-Congo ku bathe ku? wash
Kinga Atlantic-Congo ukwoga bathe ukwoga wash, take a bath
Kisi Atlantic-Congo kuyogha bathe kuyogha wash, take a bath
Kivinza Atlantic-Congo ukwiyuhagila bathe ukwiyuhagila wash, take a bath
Kuria_mago Atlantic-Congo ukuisaba bathe ukuisaba wash, take a bath
Kuria_tari Atlantic-Congo ugwisabha bathe ugwisabha wash, take a bath
Kwere Atlantic-Congo k-oga bathe -koga wash, take a bath
Lumasaaba Atlantic-Congo khu-khwisiinga bathe khu-khwisiinga wash, take a bath
Lungwa Atlantic-Congo ukufulala bathe ukufulala wash, take a bath
Lvhyia Atlantic-Congo khw-isinga bathe khw-isinga wash, take a bath
Machame Atlantic-Congo ikusangya bathe ikusangya wash, take a bath
Malila Atlantic-Congo kugeza bathe kugeza wash, take a bath
Malila Atlantic-Congo kwoga bathe kwoga wash, take a bath
Mambwe Atlantic-Congo ukufulala bathe ukufulala wash, take a bath
Manda Atlantic-Congo kuyogha bathe kuyogha wash, take a bath
Maragoli Atlantic-Congo kwi-singa bathe kwi-singa wash, take a bath
Matumbi Atlantic-Congo Oga bathe Oga wash, take a bath
Mbunga Atlantic-Congo kuyogha bathe kuyogha wash, take a bath
Meru Atlantic-Congo ikusanja bathe ikusanja wash, take a bath
Merutig Atlantic-Congo kuthamba bathe kuthamba wash, take a bath
Mkwaya Atlantic-Congo okwoga bathe okwoga wash, take a bath
Mwera1 Atlantic-Congo ku-joga bathe ku-joga wash, take a bath
Namwanga Atlantic-Congo u-kupwila bathe ukupwila wash, take a bath
Ndamba Atlantic-Congo kuyogha bathe kuyogha wash, take a bath
Ndengeleko Atlantic-Congo yoga bathe yoga wash, take a bath
Ngindo Atlantic-Congo ku-joga bathe ku-joga wash, take a bath
Ngoni Atlantic-Congo samba bathe samba wash, take a bath
Ntuzu Atlantic-Congo koga bathe koga wash, take a bath
Nyakyusa Atlantic-Congo ukoga bathe ukoga wash, take a bath
Nyamwezi Atlantic-Congo -oga bathe oga wash, take a bath
Nyaturucha Atlantic-Congo u-ogha bathe u-ogha wash, take a bath
Nyiha Atlantic-Congo kugeza bathe kugeza wash, take a bath
Nyiramba Atlantic-Congo kwi-ooga bathe kwi-ooga wash, take a bath
Rukiga Atlantic-Congo okunaaba bathe okunaaba wash
Rungu Atlantic-Congo fulala bathe fulala wash, take a bath
Rungwa Atlantic-Congo ukufulala bathe ukufulala wash, take a bath
Runyambo Atlantic-Congo kwoga bathe kwoga wash, take a bath
Runyankore Atlantic-Congo kunaaba bathe kunaaba wash, take a bath
Rutooro Atlantic-Congo kwoga bathe kwoga wash, take a bath
Sambaa Atlantic-Congo kuhaka bathe kuhaka wash, take a bath
Sangu Atlantic-Congo kiyiyoga bathe kiyiyoga wash, take a bath
Shashi_siz Atlantic-Congo isabha bathe isabha wash, take a bath
Sukuma Atlantic-Congo koga bathe koga wash, take a bath
Sumbwa Atlantic-Congo -oga bathe oga wash, take a bath
Wanda Atlantic-Congo samba bathe samba wash, take a bath
Wungu Atlantic-Congo kuchinda bathe kuchinda wash, take a bath
Zanaki Atlantic-Congo isaba bathe isaba wash, take a bath
Zigua Atlantic-Congo ku-haka bathe ku-haka wash, take a bath
Zinza Atlantic-Congo kwooga bathe kwooga wash, take a bath
Anjam Nuclear Trans New Guinea yal- to bathe yal- to wash
Arawum Nuclear Trans New Guinea pisi- to bathe pisi- to wash
Baimak Nuclear Trans New Guinea lɛ la- to bathe le la to wash
Bau Nuclear Trans New Guinea wa ro- to bathe wa ro- to wash
Ganglau Nuclear Trans New Guinea mɛ- to bathe to wash
Gumalu Nuclear Trans New Guinea wa ru- to bathe wa ru- to wash
Isebe Nuclear Trans New Guinea wa yo to bathe wa yo- to wash
Kare Nuclear Trans New Guinea ži idagu- to bathe ži idagu to wash
Lemio Nuclear Trans New Guinea fsi- to bathe fsi- to wash
Male Nuclear Trans New Guinea ili- to bathe ili- to wash
Mawan Nuclear Trans New Guinea de la- to bathe de la to wash
Mum Nuclear Trans New Guinea yuwi- to bathe yuwi- to wash
Nake Nuclear Trans New Guinea di žɛ- to bathe di ze to wash
Nobonob Nuclear Trans New Guinea le la- to bathe le la to wash
Proto-Rai-Coast Nuclear Trans New Guinea *pis to bathe *pis to wash
Sihan Nuclear Trans New Guinea vado- to bathe vado- to wash
Silopi Nuclear Trans New Guinea de ra- to bathe de ra to wash
Sop Nuclear Trans New Guinea fis- to bathe fis- to wash
Utu Nuclear Trans New Guinea ze za- to bathe ze za to wash
Watiwa Nuclear Trans New Guinea ya fri- to bathe ya fri- to wash
Yabong Nuclear Trans New Guinea mo- to bathe mo- to wash
Asumboa Austronesian veko bathe veko wash (hands)
Buma Austronesian lembie bathe lembie wash (hands)
Mbaniata Touo ria bathe ria wash (hands)
Sa'a (2) Austronesian lɔto bathe lɔtɔ wash (hands)
Santa Catalina Austronesian manū bathe manū wash (hands)
Tanema Austronesian ndi bathe ndi wash (hands)
Manange Sino-Tibetan 2ʃu to bathe 2ʃu to wash
Otomi Otomanguean nxaha to bathe nxaha to wash
Saramaccan Indo-European wási to bathe wási to wash
Seychelles Creole Indo-European bennyen to bathe bennyen to wash
Swahili Atlantic-Congo -oga to bathe -oga to wash
Tarifiyt Berber Afro-Asiatic ssiađ to bathe ssiađ to wash
anjam Nuclear Trans New Guinea yal- bathe (itr) yal- wash (tr)
arawum Nuclear Trans New Guinea pisi- bathe (itr) pisi- wash (tr)
baimak Nuclear Trans New Guinea lɛ la- bathe (itr) le la wash (tr)
bargam Nuclear Trans New Guinea hus- bathe (itr) hus wash (tr)
bau Nuclear Trans New Guinea wa ro- bathe (itr) wa ro- wash (tr)
ganglau Nuclear Trans New Guinea mɛ- bathe (itr) wash (tr)
gumalu Nuclear Trans New Guinea wa ru- bathe (itr) wa ru- wash (tr)
isebe Nuclear Trans New Guinea wa yo bathe (itr) wa yo- wash (tr)
kare Nuclear Trans New Guinea ži idagu- bathe (itr) ži idagu wash (tr)
lemio Nuclear Trans New Guinea fsi- bathe (itr) fsi- wash (tr)
male Nuclear Trans New Guinea ili- bathe (itr) ili- wash (tr)
mawan Nuclear Trans New Guinea de la- bathe (itr) de la wash (tr)
mum Nuclear Trans New Guinea yuwi- bathe (itr) yuwi- wash (tr)
nake Nuclear Trans New Guinea di žɛ- bathe (itr) di ze wash (tr)
nobonob Nuclear Trans New Guinea le la- bathe (itr) le la wash (tr)
sihan Nuclear Trans New Guinea vado- bathe (itr) vado- wash (tr)
silopi Nuclear Trans New Guinea de ra- bathe (itr) de ra wash (tr)
sop Nuclear Trans New Guinea fis- bathe (itr) fis- wash (tr)
usan Nuclear Trans New Guinea uᵬ- bathe (itr) uᵬ- wash (tr)
utu Nuclear Trans New Guinea ze za- bathe (itr) ze za wash (tr)
watiwa Nuclear Trans New Guinea ya fri- bathe (itr) ya fri- wash (tr)
yabong Nuclear Trans New Guinea mo- bathe (itr) mo- wash (tr)