Language | Family | Form for THINK (REFLECT) | Gloss for THINK (REFLECT) | Form for THINK (BELIEVE) | Gloss for THINK (BELIEVE) |
Avar | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъизе | think (= reflect) | ургъизе | think (= be of the opinion) |
Erzya Mordvin | Uralic | ar̃ʸsʸems | think (= reflect) | ar̃ʸsʸems | think (= be of the opinion) |
Hungarian | Uralic | vél | think (= reflect) | vél | think (= be of the opinion) |
Mari | Uralic | šo'naš | think (= reflect) | šo'naš | think (= be of the opinion) |
Nenets | Uralic | ibʸedor̃c̷ʸ | think (= reflect) | ibʸedor̃c̷ʸ | think (= be of the opinion) |
Selkup | Uralic | tənɨr̃pɨḳo | think (= reflect) | tənɨr̃pɨḳo | think (= be of the opinion) |
Udmurt | Uralic | malpanɩ | think (= reflect) | malpanɩ | think (= be of the opinion) |
Tsez (Mokok dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъизи охъа | think (= reflect) | ургъизи охъа | think (= be of the opinion) |
Dargwa (Muiri dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | пикриъикІвара | think (= reflect) | пикриъикІвара | think (= be of the opinion) |
Italian | Indo-European | pensare | think (= reflect) | pensare | think (= be of the opinion) |
Catalan | Indo-European | pensar | think (= reflect) | pensar | think (= be of the opinion) |
Gothic | Indo-European | hugjan | think (= reflect) | hugjan | think (= be of the opinion) |
Old Norse | Indo-European | hyggja | think (= reflect) | hyggja | think (= be of the opinion) |
Danish | Indo-European | tænke | think (= reflect) | tænke | think (= be of the opinion) |
Swedish | Indo-European | tänka | think (= reflect) | tänka | think (= be of the opinion) |
Middle English | Indo-European | thinken | think (= reflect) | thinken | think (= be of the opinion) |
English | Indo-European | think | think (= reflect) | think | think (= be of the opinion) |
Dutch | Indo-European | denken | think (= reflect) | denken | think (= be of the opinion) |
Old High German | Indo-European | ahtōn | think (= reflect) | ahtōn | think (= be of the opinion) |
Middle High German | Indo-European | denken | think (= reflect) | denken | think (= be of the opinion) |
German | Indo-European | denken | think (= reflect) | denken | think (= be of the opinion) |
Lithuanian | Indo-European | galvóti | think (= reflect) | galvóti | think (= be of the opinion) |
Bulgarian | Indo-European | míslja | think (= reflect) | míslja | think (= be of the opinion) |
Serbo-Croatian | Indo-European | misliti | think (= reflect) | misliti | think (= be of the opinion) |
Czech | Indo-European | mysliti | think (= reflect) | mysliti | think (= be of the opinion) |
Polish | Indo-European | myśleć | think (= reflect) | myśleć | think (= be of the opinion) |
Tocharian A | Indo-European | pältsk- | think (= reflect) | pältsk- | think (= be of the opinion) |
Tocharian B | Indo-European | pälsk- | think (= reflect) | pälsk- | think (= be of the opinion) |
Romani | Indo-European | gindisar- | think (= reflect) | gindisar- | think (= be of the opinion) |
Avestan | Indo-European | man- | think (= reflect) | man- | think (= be of the opinion) |
Negerhollands | Indo-European | dɛŋk | think (= reflect) | dɛŋk | think (= be of the opinion) |
Negerhollands | Indo-European | diŋg | think (= reflect) | diŋg | think (= be of the opinion) |
Jamaican Creole (Limonese Creole dialect) | Indo-European | tɩŋk | think (= reflect) | tɩŋk | think (= be of the opinion) |
Polci | Afro-Asiatic | sammani | think (= reflect) | sammani | think (= be of the opinion) |
Nahuatl (Sierra de Zacapoaxtla variety) | Uto-Aztecan | ta-nemi-li-a | think (= reflect) | -tanemilia | think (= be of the opinion) |
Karok | Karok | -xus | think (= reflect) | -xus | think (= be of the opinion) |
Zuni | Zuni | c̷eʔma- | think (= reflect) | c̷eʔma- | think (= be of the opinion) |
Rotuman | Austronesian | aʔhæe | think (= reflect) | aʔhæe | think (= be of the opinion) |
Cayapa | Barbacoan | 'pensan-'ge-nu | think (= reflect) | 'pensan-'ge-nu | think (= be of the opinion) |
Colorado | Barbacoan | 'tẽ-ha-no | think (= reflect) | tẽha-no | think (= be of the opinion) |
Colorado | Barbacoan | tẽka ka-no | think (= reflect) | tẽka ka-no | think (= be of the opinion) |
Embera | Chocoan | kĩča- | think (= reflect) | kĩča- | think (= be of the opinion) |
Yuwana | Jodi-Saliban | ũ | think (= reflect) | ũ | think (= be of the opinion) |
Tuyuca | Tucanoan | wã'kũ | think (= reflect) | wã'kũ | think (= be of the opinion) |
Avar (Batlukh dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъие | think (= reflect) | ургъие | think (= be of the opinion) |
Yavitero | Arawakan | naniwata | think (= reflect) | naniwata | think (= be of the opinion) |
Avar (Hid dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъле | think (= reflect) | ургъле | think (= be of the opinion) |
Ese Ejja (Huarayo) | Pano-Tacanan | xa-šawa-ba-ti-kwe | think (= reflect) | xa-šawa-ba-ti-kwe | think (= be of the opinion) |
Avar (Andalal dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъде | think (= reflect) | ургъде | think (= be of the opinion) |
Yaminahua | Pano-Tacanan | šinã-kĩ | think (= reflect) | šinã-kĩ | think (= be of the opinion) |
Guaraní | Tupian | moʔã | think (= reflect) | moʔã | think (= be of the opinion) |
Avar (Zakataly dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъзи | think (= reflect) | ургъзи | think (= be of the opinion) |
Andi (Muni dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъунну | think (= reflect) | ургъунну | think (= be of the opinion) |
Chechen (Akkin dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | ойла йа | think (= reflect) | ойла йа | think (= be of the opinion) |
Ossetic | Indo-European | хъуыды кæнын | think (= reflect) | хъуыды кæнын | think (= be of the opinion) |
Andi | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъунну | think (= reflect) | ургъунну | think (= be of the opinion) |
Avar (Araderikh dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъизи | think (= reflect) | ургъизи | think (= be of the opinion) |
Avar (Khunzakh dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъизи | think (= reflect) | ургъизи | think (= be of the opinion) |
Akhvakh (Northern dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | угъило̄рулъІа | think (= reflect) | угъило̄рулъІа | think (= be of the opinion) |
Akhvakh (Southern dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъилавлахъе | think (= reflect) | ургъилавлахъе | think (= be of the opinion) |
Botlikh | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъи | think (= reflect) | ургъи | think (= be of the opinion) |
Godoberi | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъиᴴ | think (= reflect) | ургъиᴴ | think (= be of the opinion) |
Karata | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъа̄лъа | think (= reflect) | ургъа̄лъа | think (= be of the opinion) |
Central Thai | Tai-Kadai | dam.1-ri.2 | think (= reflect) | dam.1-ri.2 | think (= be of the opinion) |
Central Thai | Tai-Kadai | khit.4 | think (= reflect) | khit.4 | think (= be of the opinion) |
Southern Tai (Songkhla variety) | Tai-Kadai | khit.4 | think (= reflect) | khit.4 | think (= be of the opinion) |
Thai (Korat variety) | Tai-Kadai | khit.4 | think (= reflect) | khit.4 | think (= be of the opinion) |
Khamuang (Chiang Mai variety) | Tai-Kadai | kɨt.7 | think (= reflect) | kɨt.7 | think (= be of the opinion) |
Khwarshi (Khwarshi dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъида | think (= reflect) | ургъида | think (= be of the opinion) |
Sui | Tai-Kadai | fa.3 | think (= reflect) | fa.3 | think (= be of the opinion) |
Maonan | Tai-Kadai | mai.6 | think (= reflect) | mai.6 | think (= be of the opinion) |
Mulam | Tai-Kadai | tja:ŋ.3 | think (= reflect) | tja:ŋ.3 | think (= be of the opinion) |
Hinuq | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъези ихъа | think (= reflect) | ургъези ихъа | think (= be of the opinion) |
Botlikh (Miarso dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъи | think (= reflect) | ургъи | think (= be of the opinion) |
Chamalal (Gigatli dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъидила | think (= reflect) | ургъидила | think (= be of the opinion) |
Dargwa (Gapshima dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | пикриучІес | think (= reflect) | пикриучІес | think (= be of the opinion) |
Dargwa (Gubden dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | пикри укІес | think (= reflect) | пикри укІес | think (= be of the opinion) |
Dargwa (Mekegi dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | пикриукІес | think (= reflect) | пикриукІес | think (= be of the opinion) |
Ingush | Nakh-Daghestanian | ийла е | think (= reflect) | ийла е | think (= be of the opinion) |
Bezhta (Khasharkhota dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | пикру бовал | think (= reflect) | пикру бовал | think (= be of the opinion) |
Kryz | Nakh-Daghestanian | фикирджи | think (= reflect) | фикирджи | think (= be of the opinion) |
Kumyk (Kajtak Tumenler dialect) | Turkic | ойлашмах | think (= reflect) | ойлашмах | think (= be of the opinion) |
Kumyk (Karabudakhkent dialect) | Turkic | ойлашмакъ | think (= reflect) | ойлашмакъ | think (= be of the opinion) |
Kumyk (Ter Bragun dialect) | Turkic | ойламакъ | think (= reflect) | ойламакъ | think (= be of the opinion) |
Rutul (Borchino Khnow dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | фикир гьавъын | think (= reflect) | фикир гьавъын | think (= be of the opinion) |
Rutul (Ikhrek dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | фикир гьапІын | think (= reflect) | фикир гьапІын | think (= be of the opinion) |
Rutul (Mukhrek) dialect | Nakh-Daghestanian | фикыр выъын | think (= reflect) | фикыр выъын | think (= be of the opinion) |
Rutul (Shinaz dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | фикыр гьавыъын | think (= reflect) | фикыр гьавыъын | think (= be of the opinion) |
Bezhta (Tlyadal dialect, Karauzek subdialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | пикру бовал | think (= reflect) | пикру бовал | think (= be of the opinion) |
Archi (variety 2) | Nakh-Daghestanian | аргьас | think (= reflect) | аргьас | think (= be of the opinion) |
Tsez (Sagada dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | ургъизе охъва | think (= reflect) | ургъизе охъва | think (= be of the opinion) |
Dargwa | Nakh-Daghestanian | пикриикІес | think (= reflect) | пикриикІес | think (= be of the opinion) |
Rutul | Nakh-Daghestanian | фикир выъын | think (= reflect) | фикир выъын | think (= be of the opinion) |
Tabasaran (Northern dialect Khanag subdialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | фикир апІув | think (= reflect) | фикир апІув | think (= be of the opinion) |
Tabasaran (Southern dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | аннамиш апІуб | think (= reflect) | аннамиш апІуб | think (= be of the opinion) |
Tabasaran (Southern dialect) | Nakh-Daghestanian | фикир апІуб | think (= reflect) | фикир апІуб | think (= be of the opinion) |
Khinalug | Nakh-Daghestanian | фикир кири | think (= reflect) | фикир кири | think (= be of the opinion) |
Bengali | Indo-European | bhābā | think (= reflect) | bhābā | think (= be of the opinion) |
Hindi | Indo-European | sotʃan̪aː | think (= reflect) | sotʃan̪aː | think (= be of the opinion) |
Khasi | Austroasiatic | ban pyrkhat | think (= reflect) | ban pyrkhat | think (= be of the opinion) |
Marathi | Indo-European | vitʃaːr karaɳe | think (= reflect) | vitʃaːr karaɳe | think (= be of the opinion) |
Punjabi | Indo-European | socanā | think (= reflect) | sōcanā | think (= be of the opinion) |
Telugu | Dravidian | aaloocincu | think (= reflect) | aaloocincu | think (= be of the opinion) |
Telugu | Dravidian | anukonu | think (= reflect) | anukonu | think (= be of the opinion) |
Telugu | Dravidian | talancu | think (= reflect) | talancu | think (= be of the opinion) |
Telugu | Dravidian | talapooyu | think (= reflect) | talapooyu | think (= be of the opinion) |
Telugu | Dravidian | uuhincu | think (= reflect) | uuhincu | think (= be of the opinion) |
Kumyk | Turkic | ойлашмакъ | think (= reflect) | ойлашмакъ | think (= be of the opinion) |
Nogai | Turkic | ойлав | think (= reflect) | ойлав | think (= be of the opinion) |
Chechen | Nakh-Daghestanian | ойла йан | think (= reflect) | ойла йан | think (= be of the opinion) |
Pusing | Austroasiatic | khɨt | think (= reflect) | khĭt | think (= be of the opinion) |
Phong | Austroasiatic | ŋi.42 | think (= reflect) | ŋi.42 | think (= be of the opinion) |
Archi | Nakh-Daghestanian | arhas | to think(1) | arhas | to think(2) |
English | Indo-European | think | to think(1) | think | to think(2) |
Gawwada | Afro-Asiatic | ʔasaap | to think(1) | ʔasaap | to think(2) |
Imbabura Quechua | Quechuan | yuyana | to think(1) | yuyana | to think(2) |
Indonesian | Austronesian | pikir | to think(1) | pikir | to think(2) |
Kildin Saami | Uralic | jurr’te | to think(1) | jurr’te | to think(2) |
Swahili | Atlantic-Congo | -fikiri | to think(1) | -fikiri | to think(2) |
White Hmong | Hmong-Mien | xav (1) | to think(1) | xav (1) | to think(2) |
Wichí | Matacoan | tichunlhi | to think(1) | tichunlhi | to think(2) |
Zinacantán Tzotzil | Mayan | nop | to think(1) | nop | to think(2) |
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