Colexifications for "END (OF SPACE)" and "END (OF TIME)"

Language Family Form for END (OF SPACE) Gloss for END (OF SPACE) Form for END (OF TIME) Gloss for END (OF TIME)
Erzya Mordvin Uralic pe end pe end (temporal)
Estonian Uralic ləpp end ləpp end (temporal)
Finnish Uralic loppu end loppu end (temporal)
Hungarian Uralic vég end vég end (temporal)
Khanty Uralic yuwolaŋ end yuwolaŋ end (temporal)
Komi Uralic pom end pom end (temporal)
Northern Saami Uralic loɑhppɑ end loɑhppɑ end (temporal)
Mansi Uralic yuwowɨl end yuwowɨl end (temporal)
Mari Uralic mu'čʸaš end mu'čʸaš end (temporal)
Nenets Uralic mal end mal end (temporal)
Selkup Uralic čʸipɨ end čʸipɨ end (temporal)
Udmurt Uralic pum end pum end (temporal)
Italian Indo-European fine end fine end (temporal)
Macushi Cariban ikɨnɨʔpɨ end ikɨnɨʔpɨ end (temporal)
Portuguese Indo-European fim end fim end (temporal)
Irish Indo-European deireadh end deireadh end (temporal)
Gothic Indo-European andeis end andeis end (temporal)
Old Norse Indo-European endi end endi end (temporal)
Danish Indo-European ende end ende end (temporal)
Swedish Indo-European ände end ände end (temporal)
Old English Indo-European ende end ende end (temporal)
Middle English Indo-European ende end ende end (temporal)
English Indo-European end end end end (temporal)
Dutch Indo-European einde end einde end (temporal)
Old High German Indo-European enti end enti end (temporal)
Old High German Indo-European entunga end entunga end (temporal)
Old High German Indo-European marca end marca end (temporal)
Old High German Indo-European ūz-gang end ūz-gang end (temporal)
Old High German Indo-European ūz-lāz end ūz-lāz end (temporal)
Middle High German Indo-European ende end ende end (temporal)
German Indo-European Ende end Ende end (temporal)
Yiddish Indo-European sof end sof end (temporal)
Lithuanian Indo-European gãlas end gãlas end (temporal)
Lithuanian Indo-European pabaigà end pabaigà end (temporal)
Latvian Indo-European beigas end beigas end (temporal)
Latvian Indo-European gals end gals end (temporal)
Old Prussian Indo-European vangan end vangan end (temporal)
Old Church Slavonic Indo-European konĭcĭ end konĭcĭ end (temporal)
Bulgarian Indo-European kráj end kráj end (temporal)
Serbo-Croatian Indo-European kraj end kraj end (temporal)
Czech Indo-European konec end konec end (temporal)
Polish Indo-European koniec end koniec end (temporal)
Russian Indo-European konec end konec end (temporal)
Albanian (Tosk variety) Indo-European fund end fund end (temporal)
Hittite Indo-European zinna- end zinna- end (temporal)
Tocharian A Indo-European āk end āk end (temporal)
Tocharian B Indo-European āke end āke end (temporal)
Sanskrit Indo-European anta- end anta- end (temporal)
Sanskrit Indo-European prānta- end prānta- end (temporal)
Romani Indo-European gor end gor end (temporal)
Avestan Indo-European karana- end karana- end (temporal)
Persian Indo-European pɑyɑn end pɑyɑn end (temporal)
Ancient Aramaic Afro-Asiatic sēpā end sēpā end (temporal)
Negerhollands Indo-European kaba end kaba end (temporal)
Hausa Afro-Asiatic kˀarshe end kˀarshe end (temporal)
Muisca Chibchan ynbgyusa end ynbgyusa end (temporal)
Yagua Peba-Yagua baryĩhada end baryĩhada end (temporal)
Yagua Peba-Yagua kãsiyada end kãsiyada end (temporal)
Waurá Arawakan -c̷epu- end -c̷epu end (temporal)
Tacana Pano-Tacanan etiani end etiani end (temporal)
Ayoreo Zamucoan eru'eei end eru'eei end (temporal)
Sanapaná (Enlhet dialect) Lengua-Mascoy neeɬaʔ end neeɬaʔ end (temporal)
Mocoví Guaicuruan l-ḳodok end l-ḳodok end (temporal)
Pilagá Guaicuruan l-oikiaḳaʔ end l-oikiaḳaʔ end (temporal)
Toba Guaicuruan l-og-aʔt end l-og-aʔt end (temporal)
Southern Tai (Songkhla variety) Tai-Kadai cɔp.9 end cɔp.9 end (temporal)
Tai Khün Tai-Kadai cɔp.1 end cɔp.1 end (temporal)
Shan (Northern Shan dialect) Tai-Kadai sut.1 end sut.1 end (temporal)
Nung-Fengshan Tai-Kadai pja:i.1 end pja:i.1 end (temporal)
Nung-Lazhai Tai-Kadai so:t.7 pja:i.1 end so:t.7 pja:i.1 end (temporal)
Rutul (Shinaz dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian латІун end латІун end (temporal)
Hindi Indo-European an̪t̪ end an̪t̪ end (temporal)
Mahasu Pahari (Kotghari dialect) Indo-European ɔnt end ɔnt end (temporal)
Marathi Indo-European ɕevaʈ end ɕevaʈ end (temporal)
Punjabi Indo-European akhīra end akhīra end (temporal)
Tamil Dravidian mūṭivu end mūṭivu end (temporal)
Bulang Austroasiatic ka.31 ʔəik.51 end ka.31 ʔəik.51 end (temporal)
Mlabri Austroasiatic pa tok end pa tok end (temporal)
Vietnamese Austroasiatic kết thúc end kết thúc end (temporal)
Chong Austroasiatic cɔp.A end cɔp.A end (temporal)
KNB (a Pearic variety) Austroasiatic câp end câp end (temporal)
Surin Khmer Austroasiatic câp end câp end (temporal)
Adyghe Abkhaz-Adyge kʼa end kʼa end
Hokkaido Ainu Ainu kes end kes end
North Azerbaijani Turkic sɔn end sɔn end
Bashkir Turkic aðaq end aðaq end
Belarusian Indo-European kanʲɛt͡s end kanʲɛt͡s end
Buryat Mongolic ɛsɛs end ɛsɛs end
Bulgarian Indo-European kraj end kraj end
Czech Indo-European konɛt͡s end konɛt͡s end
Dargwa Nakh-Daghestanian qar end qar end
Croatian Indo-European kɔ̌nat͡s end kɔ̌nat͡s end
Hungarian Uralic veːɡ end veːɡ end
Itelmen Chukotko-Kamchatkan piɲɬɸnom end piɲɬɸnom end
Kalaallisut Eskimo-Aleut isu end isu end
Georgian Kartvelian bɔlɔ end bɔlɔ end
Komi-Zyrian Uralic pom end pom end
Moksha Uralic pe end pe end
Meadow Mari Uralic mut͡ʃɑˑʃ end mut͡ʃɑˑʃ end
Manchu Tungusic ʃala end ʃala end
Northern Mansi Uralic oːwɪl end oːwɪl end
Erzya Uralic pe end pe end
Polish Indo-European kɔniɛt͡s end kɔniɛt͡s end
Northern Selkup Uralic t͡ɕipɨ end t͡ɕipɨ end
Kildin Sami Uralic keːd͡ʒ end keːd͡ʒ end
Slovak Indo-European kɔni̯et͡s end kɔni̯et͡s end
Slovene Indo-European ko˦ːnɛt͡s end ko˦ːnɛt͡s end
Lule Sami Uralic ɡi͡ɛht͡ʃɛ end ɡi͡ɛht͡ʃɛ end
Tamil Dravidian muɖiʋu end muɖiʋu end
Udmurt Uralic pum end pum end
Ukrainian Indo-European kinɛt͡sʲ end kinɛt͡sʲ end
Southern Yukaghir Yukaghir ɑtiʎ end ɑtiʎ end
Bezhta Nakh-Daghestanian axir the end(1) axir the end(2)
Dutch Indo-European einde the end(1) einde the end(2)
English Indo-European end the end(1) end the end(2)
Hausa Afro-Asiatic ƙàrshée the end(1) ƙàrshée the end(2)
Hup Nadahup g’ætd’óh the end(1) g’ætd’óh the end(2)
Imbabura Quechua Quechuan tukuri the end(1) tukuri the end(2)
Kildin Saami Uralic kieǯ the end(1) kieǯ the end(2)
Lower Sorbian Indo-European kóńc the end(1) kóńc the end(2)
Old High German Indo-European enti the end(1) enti the end(2)
Otomi Otomanguean ngäts'i the end(1) ngäts'i the end(2)
Selice Romani Indo-European vígo the end(1) vígo the end(2)
Swahili Atlantic-Congo mwisho the end(1) mwisho the end(2)
Takia Austronesian wada- the end(1) wada- the end(2)
Tarifiyt Berber Afro-Asiatic anəggaru the end(1) anəggaru the end(2)
Wichí Matacoan lapes the end(1) lapes the end(2)
Yaqui Uto-Aztecan lu’utek the end(1) lu’utek the end(2)