Khanty Uralic wuy grease, fat wuy oil
Selkup Uralic ür̃ grease, fat ür̃ oil
Panare Cariban karapa grease, fat karapa oil
Wai Wai Cariban katɨ grease, fat katɨ oil
Tocharian A Indo-European ṣälyp grease, fat ṣälyp oil
Tocharian B Indo-European ṣalype grease, fat ṣalype oil
Tocharian B Indo-European ṣmare grease, fat ṣmare oil
Sanskrit Indo-European sneha- grease, fat sneha- oil
Ancient Aramaic Afro-Asiatic mešχā grease, fat mešχā oil
Zuni Zuni ʔišana- grease, fat ʔišana- oil
Northern Haida Haida táw grease, fat táw oil
Hawaiian Austronesian ʔaila grease, fat ʔaila oil
Hawaiian Austronesian hinu grease, fat hinu oil
Maori Austronesian hinu grease, fat hinu oil
Marquesan Austronesian kao grease, fat kao oil
Rotuman Austronesian lolo grease, fat lolo oil
Cayapa Barbacoan 'mulʸi grease, fat 'mulʸi oil
Epena Chocoan ne-'traa grease, fat ne-'traa oil
Puinave Puinave -ye grease, fat -ye oil
Yaruro Pumé yõ grease, fat yõ oil
Yanomámi Yanomamic tapɨ-tapɨ grease, fat tapɨ-tapɨ oil
Cofán Cofán 'yayaʔpa grease, fat yayaʔpa oil
Siona Tucanoan maha grease, fat maha oil
Tuyuca Tucanoan ɨ'se grease, fat ɨ'se oil
Wapishana Arawakan kʰiwinii grease, fat kʰiwinii oil
Ese Ejja Pano-Tacanan e-sei grease, fat esei oil
Cashibo Pano-Tacanan ṣ̌ɨni grease, fat ṣ̌ɨni oil
Chácobo Pano-Tacanan ṣ̌ɨni grease, fat ṣ̌ɨni oil
Shipibo-Conibo Pano-Tacanan ṣ̌ɨni grease, fat ṣ̌ɨni oil
Yaminahua Pano-Tacanan ṣ̌ini grease, fat ṣ̌ini oil
Wayampi Tupian ka grease, fat ka oil
Sanapaná (Enlhet dialect) Lengua-Mascoy peɬmok grease, fat peɬmok oil
Thai (Korat variety) Tai-Kadai na:m.4 man.2 grease, fat na:m.4 man.2 oil
Dehong Tai-Kadai man.2 grease, fat man.2 oil
Jinsha Dai Hmong-Mien xəai.24 grease, fat xəai.24 oil
Nung-Lazhai Tai-Kadai ju.2 grease, fat ju.2 oil
Southern Kam Tai-Kadai ju.212 grease, fat ju.212 oil
Hlai (Baoting variety) Tai-Kadai gwei.3 grease, fat gwei.3 oil
Sanchong Kelao Tai-Kadai lei.31 grease, fat lei.31 oil
Qau Kelao Tai-Kadai ne.31 grease, fat ne.31 oil
Aghul (Koshan dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian нерх grease, fat нерх oil
Dargwa (Gapshima dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian хІяли grease, fat хІяли oil
Dargwa (Tsudakhar dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian гІявдих grease, fat гІявдих oil
Kumyk (Dorgeli dialect) Turkic май grease, fat май oil
Kumyk (Karabudakhkent dialect) Turkic май grease, fat май oil
Tsez (Sagada dialect) Nakh-Daghestanian рилъ grease, fat рилъ oil
Bengali Indo-European tela grease, fat tela oil
Telugu Dravidian jiDDu grease, fat jiDDu oil
Chechen Nakh-Daghestanian даьтта grease, fat даьтта oil
Udi Nakh-Daghestanian зейт grease, fat зейт oil
Bulang-2 Austroasiatic man.33 grease, fat man.33 oil
Keme (Kemie variety) Austroasiatic m phɛŋ.35 grease, fat m phɛŋ.35 oil
Rumai Austroasiatic pioŋ.51 grease, fat pioŋ.51 oil
Prai Austroasiatic Thai grease, fat Thai oil
Paliu Austroasiatic man.51 grease, fat man.51 oil
Tum Austroasiatic mə.41ʔ grease, fat mə.41ʔ oil
Kha Poong Austroasiatic ntw.13 grease, fat ntw.13 oil
Ahlao Th Austroasiatic hăʔ tw.C grease, fat hăʔ tw.C oil
Kasong Austroasiatic pɨ:h.A grease, fat pɨ:h.A oil
KNB (a Pearic variety) Austroasiatic khlań grease, fat khlań oil
Surin Khmer Austroasiatic khlań grease, fat khlań oil
CHNG (a Pearic variety) Austroasiatic pre:ŋ.A grease, fat pre:ŋ.A oil
Iduh Austroasiatic jakâ:r grease, fat jakâ:r oil
Aleut Eskimo-Aleut t͡ʃɛdoχ fat t͡ʃɛdoχ oil
North Azerbaijani Turkic jɑɣ fat jɑɣ oil
Chuvash Turkic ɕu fat ɕu oil
Chukchi Chukotko-Kamchatkan mətqəmət fat mətqəmət oil
Forest Enets Uralic dʲur fat dʲur oil
Nanai Tungusic si̟muksə fat si̟muksə oil
Kazakh Turkic mɑj fat mɑj oil
Northern Kurdish Indo-European run fat run oil
Lezgian Nakh-Daghestanian æʁlu fat æʁlu oil
Manchu Tungusic nimɤŋki fat nimɤŋki oil
Northern Mansi Uralic woj fat woːj oil
Nivkh Nivkh tʰom fat tʰom oil
Northern Selkup Uralic yr fat yr oil
Tatar Turkic maj fat maj oil
Turkish Turkic jaː fat jaː oil
Northern Uzbek Turkic mɒj fat mɒj oil
Northern Yukaghir Yukaghir nʲanʲir fat nʲanʲir oil
Tundra Nenets Uralic jurʔ fat jurʔ oil
Atsi [Zaiwa] Sino-Tibetan tshu⁵¹ fat (meat) tshu⁵¹ oil
Naxi (Lijiang) Sino-Tibetan mɑ³¹ fat (meat) mɑ³¹ oil
Maru [Langsu] Sino-Tibetan tshau³¹ fat (meat) tshau³¹ oil
Gurindji Pama-Nyungan wararr the grease or fat wararr the oil
Hawaiian Austronesian `aila the grease or fat `aila the oil
Hup Nadahup náŋ the grease or fat náŋ the oil
Iraqw Afro-Asiatic di/i the grease or fat di/i the oil
Japanese Japonic abura the grease or fat abura the oil
Mandarin Chinese Sino-Tibetan you2 the grease or fat you2 the oil
Oroqen Tungusic imukʃə the grease or fat imukʃə the oil
Otomi Otomanguean nziki the grease or fat nziki the oil
Saramaccan Indo-European fátu the grease or fat fátu the oil
Swahili Atlantic-Congo mafuta the grease or fat mafuta the oil
White Hmong Hmong-Mien roj the grease or fat roj the oil